While talking with a friend about Conway's Game of Life I had an idea about a simple transit simulator, where cars would indepentently move along roads respecting some basic rules. (Actually I had had this idea for some time, but I was lacking time and motivation to do it ^^).
I chose Javascript/HTML to do it because
- It is simple to code and visualize
- I could start it without a lot of preparation of environment
- There is asynchronous execution
- I won't need high performance
Technologies I am using:
- A lot of raw Javascript
- Some help with JQuery
- RequireJS for dynamyc JS loading
- Cars are stuck when it should be "free to turn right", but a car is already in the next spot and transversal
- There should be some way to randomly cause accidents (colisions), and these accidents should block the transit for some time (maybe random chance to hit a transversal car in a crossroad without trafic light and with high speed?)
- Cars are sometimes throwing exception due a big recursion pile when trying to decide where to go without good options (see TODO in transit-car.js)