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Jethro Carr edited this page Mar 20, 2015 · 1 revision


SMStoXMPP has been written in a modular fashion which allows various different backend applications to be written for handing SMS messages.

This page details each supported gateway and how to set it up. If you are interested in adding additional gateways, please refer to Developer-GatewaySupport.


SMS Gateway

SMS Gateway is a free-as-in-beer gateway service which can be installed on a cheap or older model Android phone and used to relay messages between the phone and SMStoXMPP via HTTP calls.

1: Download from the Google Play Store

2: Once the application is installed, configure it to use HTTP and provide it with the URL to where the SMStoXMPP listener is installed (eg

3: Configure SMStoXMPP to act on behalf of this gateway. Remember that you need a unique XMPP account per gateway you define in the configuration.

The gw_path can be left to automatic for auto-discovery of the phone's IP address. This is best if the phone is on a dynamic address, but it means that the phone needs to receive at least one message before your computer discovers where it is.

It's also important to note that if you are behind NAT or a firewall, you will need to open connections to allow traffic to go from the server to your phone, otherwise you will not be able to reply to any messages!

A simple port forward (Destination NAT) for port TCP/9090 for the phone's IP address will work.

gw_type             =
gw_path             = auto
xmpp_server         =
xmpp_username       = xmppuser
xmpp_domain         =
xmpp_password       = password123
xmpp_reciever       = [email protected]

4: Restart SMStoXMPP /etc/init.d/smstoxmppd restart

5: Send an SMS message to your phone - it should relay the message through to SMStoXMPP and then to your IM account.

If anything fails to work, refer to the Troubleshooting page which will help you through common problems.

Hardware Devices

USB GSM & 3G Modems

There is currently no support for USB GSM modems, however there is ongoing effort to add a generic gateway to support popular generic USB serial AT-command based GSM modems.

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