- Origin: smart-light-disco
- GIF above is from origin. Doesn't display this forks functionality
- Bulb Colour Changes:
- Added support for full-saturation random colours
- Changed colours to make it more of a gradient
- Simplified code
- GPIO Support (see below)
- Kasa KL130
- Added support for remote control through GPIO buttons.
- Buttons for:
- On/Off toggle
- White
- Disco
- Orange
- Buttons for:
- Tested on a Raspberry PI 3 Model B
- TODO: Add a diagram of tested button setup
- TODO: Add explanation of how to customise for different button setup
npm install smart-light-disco
Change host to the IP of the smart bulb in index.js
const device = await client.getDevice({ host: '192.168.X.X' })