The idea of this project was to create a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game based on React and Flux.
- React with Flux
- React Router
- Webpack/NPM
- Layout.jsx - Main View that contains the layout and routes for the application.
- TheBoard.jsx - View that contains the main game logic used for the application.
- Function to determine if a new game is necessary
- Function to clear board
- Changing of Turns
- Display of the board including accepting player marks
- Calculation of winner
- Determination of winner name
- NewGame.jsx - View that is allows the entery of player names and selection of first player (X or O).
- NavBar.jsx - for the purpose of this game, I went with a navbar element to handle the navigation and user interaction. Everything is route based and works with React Router.
- GameActions.js - Contains the following functions
- SetTurn - used to transmit the Player Names and first player that was selected to the store.
- SendResult - used to submit the scores to API and send the resulting object to the Store.
- gameDispatcher - Not much to document. Functions as a dispatcher.
- gameStore.js - The only game store used.
- Holds model data for the initial selections - Player Names and First player selected
- Has functions to return this data to other views.
- Set player function that will emit changes regarding initial player data
- Action handler to receive the actions