View your GitHub notifications in NeoVim, with sensible defaults, and the ability to filter for just the types of notifications you want to see.
By default, this tries to narrow down notifications to just what I, personally, like to see, filtering out the vast majority. It also doesn't give full insights into what is contained in each notification, limiting to just the type, title, and URL. If this isn't for you, there are good alternatives with much better options listed at the bottom.
This plugin requires you to have the GitHub CLI installed.
return {
opts = {},
-- These are the default config settings
unread_only = true,
pull_request_filter = {
enabled = true,
states = {
notification_reasons = {
-- in your init.lua or a separate plugins.lua
use {
config = function()
unread_only = true,
notification_reasons = {
See snacks.nvim for full config.
title = 'Notifications',
cmd = "nvim --headless -c ':GHNotificationsText' -c 'sleep 20000m' -c 'qa!'",
action = function() ''
key = 'n',
icon = ' ',
height = 8,
enabled = true,
# view notifications using the vim.notify api
# view notifications in a windowed buffer
# print out notifications as text
# for use in custom context such as your dashboard
unread_only (default: true) - only show unread notifications
notification_reasons - filter notifications by type See GitHub docs for full list of values.
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>gn', '<cmd>GHNotifications<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "GitHub Notifications" })
Get luarocks
brew install luarocks
Install nlua
luarocks --local install nlua
Then install busted
and create a ~/.luarocks/config-nlua.lua
as described.
luarocks --local install busted
# add the below to your ~/.zshrc or similar
eval $(luarocks path --no-bin)
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.luarocks/bin:
make test
- gh.nvim - truly impressive, fully featured, and excellent.
- github-notifications.nvim - simple, with more detail and interactivity!