To design a platform that distributes documents in the form of wedding cards, admission forms on behalf of various businesses to different users.
The platform should have admin and a user page with different roles
User Page: 1.Signup & log in with an email and password with account verification. There should be a reset password feature to recover lost passwords password. 2.See a feed page that contains a list of files that can be downloaded. 3. Search the file server 4. Send a file to an email through the platform Admin Page: 1.Should be able to upload files with a title and description 2.Should be able to see the number of downloads and number of emails sent for each file
The backend of the project was made possible with Node Js and Express Js in addition with other packages such as bcrypt, body-parser, config, cors, dotenv, jsonwebtoken, multer, nodemailer and node-postres.
Typescript was essential during the development of the project which was employed in developing the backend.
The overall project is hosted here