multiline-collapsingtoolbar is a replacement for CollapsingToolbarLayout
from the Android Design Support Library which can deal with multiline titles (currently hard-coded to a maximum of 3 lines) in the expanded state. When collapsing the toolbar, the lower lines of the title fade away to leave only the top line visible.
Here you can see the library in use in the Web Opac App:
Background Image credit: Tom Murphy VII on Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-SA 3.0
If you are using Gradle and the JCenter Maven Repository, installing the library is as simple as adding a new dependency statement.
dependencies {
compile 'net.opacapp:multiline-collapsingtoolbar:1.2.2'
The library's public API is nearly identical to the version from the support library, so you can use it as a drop-in replacement. We only added a maxLines
attribute and corresponding getter and setter functions to the CollapsingToolbarLayout
to make it possible to change the maximum number of lines, which is set to 3 by default.
As the Design Support Library, it should be compatible with API 7 (Android 2.1) and above.
XML layout example:
You can find a simple demo application in the demo
Most of the code is copied from the original Support Library classes, the only changes (apart from the package name, imports and automatic code reformatting) are in the CollapsingTextHelper
and CollapsingToolbarLayout
classes. The changes there are marked with comments.
The current version 1.2.2 of the library is based on the code from the Design Support Library version 24.1.1.
This library is probably not complete and might contain bugs that only occur in constellations we did not yet test. Please do not hesitate to create an issue on GitHub for any problems that cross your way. Please understand that we cannot afford to spend time fixing problems that do not affect our products, but we'll be happy to merge pull requests if you or someone else is able to improve this library.
If you get stuck anywhere in the process, please do not hestitate to ask us anytime at [email protected].
Please note that we have a Code of Conduct in place that applies to all project-related communication.