gntp_notify - A bridge between GNTP and libnotify.
gntp_notify [-help] [-cachedir <dir>]
GNTP defines a network protocol for sending desktop notifications between client programs and a notification daemon. GNTP notification daemons exist for Mac OS X (as Growl) and for Windows (as Growl for Windows and as Snarl). A GNTP daemon exists for Linux (Growl for Linux), however, there already exists a notification framework libnotify.
libnotify defines a notification library for desktop notifications. A client program uses the libnotify library to send notifications to a daemon. This way, any program, which complies with the Desktop Notification spec, can register to receive notifications and display/process them as it sees fit. However, libnotify does not support notifications sent across the network.
gntp_notify acts as a bridge between GNTP and libnotify. That is, when a program sends a notification using GNTP, gntp_notify intercepts the notification and forwards it to libnotify. Thus, any program that can send a notification using GNTP, can now transparently work with libnotify.
--help: Show usage information.
--cachedir <dir>: Set the cache directory to the given directory. gntp_notify stores icons on disk. By default this is
defaults to$HOME/.cache