To allow developers to separate rules from implementation
$pm = new SimpleSizedLambdaPatternMatch(2);
$pm->addRule(new SimpleSizedPattern('test', 'test'),
function(){ return 1; });
$pm->addRule(new SimpleSizedPattern('*', 'a'),
function($value1, $value2){ return 2; });
$pm->addRule(new SimpleSizedPattern('*', '*'),
function($value1, $value2){ return $value1.$value2; });
$this->assertEqual($pm2->match("test", "test2"), "testtest2");
$this->assertEqual($pm2->match("test", "test"), 1);
$this->assertEqual($pm2->match("anything", "a"), 2);
This implementation currently does not recursively apply matches. In terms of the SICP definition of pattern-matching, one should think of this implementation as a single pass where all inputs are tuples of length n, all patterns are tuples of length n, and skeletons are determined by the second parameter passed into the matcher::addRule method.
This requires a version of PHP that supports lambda expressions. To add / run tests, install simpletest in Hawley/PatternMatch/tests/simpletest.
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