Peach PDF is a pure .NET HTML -> PDF rendering library. This library does not depend on Puppeter, wkhtmltopdf, or any other process to render the HTML to PDF. As a result, this should work in virtually any environment where .NET 8+ works. As a side benefit of being pure .NET, performance improvements in future .NET versions immediately benefit this library.
- .NET 8
Note: This package depends on PeachPDF.PdfSharpCore and various SixLabors libraries. Both have their own licenses, but the end result is still open source
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Simple example to render PDF to a Stream. All images and assets must be local to the file on the file system or in data: URIs
PdfGenerateConfig pdfConfig = new(){
PageSize = PageSize.Letter,
PageOrientation = PageOrientation.Portrait
PdfGenerator generator = new();
var stream = new MemoryStream();
var document = await generator.GeneratePdf(html, pdfConfig);
You can generate PDF documents using self contained MHTML files (what Chrome calls "single page documents") by using the included MimeKitNetworkAdapter
PdfGenerateConfig pdfConfig = new(){
PageSize = PageSize.Letter,
PageOrientation = PageOrientation.Portrait
NetworkAdapter = new MimeKitNetworkAdapter(File.OpenRead("example.mhtml"))
PdfGenerator generator = new();
var stream = new MemoryStream();
// Passing null to GeneratePdf will load the HTML from the provided network adapter instance instead
var document = await generator.GeneratePdf(null, pdfConfig);
You can also render HTML from the Internet to a PDF
Note: a future version will be required in order to have the base URI automatically detected, so make sure the document has a tag set for images, styles, and links to resolve correctly
HttpClient httpClient = new();
PdfGenerateConfig pdfConfig = new(){
PageSize = PageSize.Letter,
PageOrientation = PageOrientation.Portrait
NetworkAdapter = new HttpClientNetworkADapter(httpClient, new Uri(""))
PdfGenerator generator = new();
var stream = new MemoryStream();
// Passing null to GeneratePdf will load the HTML from the provided network adapter instance instead
var document = await generator.GeneratePdf(null, pdfConfig);