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As the title suggests. I tried to keep a bit of flexibility in the CLI. For example,
the token created in the following ways are identical:
`pelican origin token create --audience foo --subject bar --scope read:/storage --scope write:/storage
`pelican origin token create --audience foo --subject bar --scope "read:/storage write:/storage"

Additionally, multiple audiences can be set:
`pelican origin token create --audience foo --subject bar --audience baz`

For claims passed via the --claim flag, a name must be provided:
`pelican origin token create --audience foo --subject bar --claim name=value
  • Loading branch information
jhiemstrawisc committed Sep 28, 2023
1 parent 372d4bd commit 10ee75a
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Showing 3 changed files with 224 additions and 91 deletions.
44 changes: 42 additions & 2 deletions cmd/origin.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ to a director, etc. For more information about the makeup of a JWT, see
Additional profiles that expand on JWT are supported. They include scitokens2 and
wlcg1. For more information about these profiles, see
wlcg. For more information about these profiles, see
and, respectively`,
RunE: cliTokenCreate,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,11 +92,51 @@ func init() {

originTokenCmd.PersistentFlags().String("profile", "", "Passing a profile ensures the created token adheres to the profile's requirements. Accepted values are scitokens2 and wlcg1")
originTokenCmd.PersistentFlags().String("profile", "wlcg", "Passing a profile ensures the token adheres to the profile's requirements. Accepted values are scitokens2 and wlcg")
originTokenCreateCmd.Flags().Int("lifetime", 1200, "The lifetime of the token, in seconds.")
originTokenCreateCmd.Flags().StringSlice("audience", []string{}, "The token's intended audience.")
originTokenCreateCmd.Flags().String("subject", "", "The token's subject.")
originTokenCreateCmd.Flags().StringSlice("scope", []string{}, "Scopes for granting fine-grained permissions to the token.")
originTokenCreateCmd.Flags().StringSlice("claim", []string{}, "Additional token claims. A claim must be of the form <claim name>=<value>")
originTokenCreateCmd.Flags().String("issuer", "", "The URL of the token's issuer. If not provided, the tool will attempt to find one in the configuration file.")
if err := viper.BindPFlag("IssuerUrl", originTokenCreateCmd.Flags().Lookup("issuer")); err != nil {
originTokenCreateCmd.Flags().String("private-key", viper.GetString("IssuerKey"), "Filepath designating the location of the private key in PEM format to be used for signing, if different from the origin's default.")
if err := viper.BindPFlag("IssuerKey", originTokenCreateCmd.Flags().Lookup("private-key")); err != nil {

// A pre-run hook to enforce flags specific to each profile
originTokenCreateCmd.PreRun = func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
profile, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("profile")
reqFlags := []string{}
reqSlices := []string{}
switch profile {
case "wlcg":
reqFlags = []string{"subject"}
reqSlices = []string{"audience"}
case "scitokens2":
reqSlices = []string{"audience", "scope"}

shouldCancel := false
for _, flag := range reqFlags {
if val, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString(flag); val == "" {
fmt.Printf("The --%s flag must be populated for the scitokens profile\n", flag)
shouldCancel = true
for _, flag := range reqSlices {
if slice, _ := cmd.Flags().GetStringSlice(flag); len(slice) == 0 {
fmt.Printf("The --%s flag must be populated for the scitokens profile\n", flag)
shouldCancel = true

if shouldCancel {
148 changes: 114 additions & 34 deletions cmd/origin_token.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,22 +2,20 @@ package main

import (





// The verifyCreate* funcs only act on the provided claims maps, because they attempt
Expand All @@ -30,6 +28,7 @@ func verifyCreateSciTokens2(claimsMap *map[string]string) error {
- exp
- nbf
- iss
- jti
if len(*claimsMap) == 0 {
return errors.New("To create a valid SciToken, the 'aud' and 'scope' claims must be passed, but none were found.")
Expand All @@ -54,7 +53,8 @@ func verifyCreateSciTokens2(claimsMap *map[string]string) error {
re := regexp.MustCompile(verPattern)

if !re.MatchString(val) {
errMsg := "The provided version '" + val + "' is not valid. It must match 'scitokens:<version>', where version is of the form 2.x"
errMsg := "The provided version '" + val +
"' is not valid. It must match 'scitokens:<version>', where version is of the form 2.x"
return errors.New(errMsg)
Expand All @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ func verifyCreateSciTokens2(claimsMap *map[string]string) error {
return nil

func verifyCreateWLCG1(claimsMap *map[string]string) error {
func verifyCreateWLCG(claimsMap *map[string]string) error {
Don't check for the following claims because ALL base tokens have them:
- iat
Expand All @@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ func verifyCreateWLCG1(claimsMap *map[string]string) error {
(*claimsMap)["wlcg.ver"] = "1.0"
} else {
// We can't set the rest
errMsg := "The claim '" + reqClaim + "' is required for the wlcg1 profile, but it could not be found."
errMsg := "The claim '" + reqClaim +
"' is required for the wlcg profile, but it could not be found."
return errors.New(errMsg)
} else {
Expand All @@ -105,17 +106,12 @@ func verifyCreateWLCG1(claimsMap *map[string]string) error {

func parseClaims(claims []string) (map[string]string, error) {
claimsMap := make(map[string]string)
// We assume each claim has exactly one "=" delimiter
for _, claim := range claims {
parts := strings.Split(claim, "=")
if len(parts) != 2 {
if len(parts) < 2 {
errMsg := "The claim '" + claim + "' is invalid. Did you forget an '='?"
return nil, errors.New(errMsg)
} else {
errMsg := "The claim '" + claim + "' is invalid. Does it contain more than one '='?"
return nil, errors.New(errMsg)
// Split by the first "=" delimiter
parts := strings.SplitN(claim, "=", 2)
if len(parts) < 2 {
errMsg := "The claim '" + claim + "' is invalid. Did you forget an '='?"
return nil, errors.New(errMsg)
key := parts[0]
val := parts[1]
Expand All @@ -129,21 +125,22 @@ func parseClaims(claims []string) (map[string]string, error) {
return claimsMap, nil

func createEncodedToken(claimsMap map[string]string, profile string, lifetime int) (string, error) {
func CreateEncodedToken(claimsMap map[string]string, profile string, lifetime int) (string, error) {
var err error
if profile != "" {
if profile == "scitokens2" {
err = verifyCreateSciTokens2(&claimsMap)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "Token does not conform to scitokens2 requirements")
} else if profile == "wlcg1" {
err = verifyCreateWLCG1(&claimsMap)
} else if profile == "wlcg" {
err = verifyCreateWLCG(&claimsMap)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "Token does not conform to wlcg1 requirements")
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "Token does not conform to wlcg requirements")
} else {
errMsg := "The provided profile '" + profile + "' is not recognized. Valid options are 'scitokens2' or 'wlcg1'"
errMsg := "The provided profile '" + profile +
"' is not recognized. Valid options are 'scitokens2' or 'wlcg'"
return "", errors.New(errMsg)
Expand All @@ -160,19 +157,43 @@ func createEncodedToken(claimsMap map[string]string, profile string, lifetime in
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to parse the configured IssuerUrl")
// issuer might be empty if not configured, so we need to be careful as it's required
issuerFound := true
if issuerUrl.String() == "" {
issuerFound = false

// We allow the audience to be passed in the map, but we need to convert it to a list of strings
extractAudFromClaims := func(claimsMap *map[string]string) []string {
audience, exists := (*claimsMap)["aud"]
if !exists {
return nil
audienceSlice := strings.Split(audience, " ")
delete(*claimsMap, "aud")
return audienceSlice

now := time.Now()
builder := jwt.NewBuilder()
Expiration(now.Add(time.Second * lifetimeDuration)).

// Add cli-passed claims after setting up the basic token so that we
// expose a method to override anything we already set.
for key, val := range claimsMap {
builder.Claim(key, val)
if key == "iss" && val != "" {
issuerFound = true

if !issuerFound {
return "", errors.New("No issuer was found in the configuration file, and none was provided as a claim")

tok, err := builder.Build()
Expand All @@ -185,7 +206,8 @@ func createEncodedToken(claimsMap map[string]string, profile string, lifetime in
// file path has already been bound to IssuerKey
key, err := config.GetOriginJWK()
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to load signing keys. Either generate one at the default location by serving an origin, or provide one via the --private-key flag")
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to load signing keys. Either generate one at the default "+
"location by serving an origin, or provide one via the --private-key flag")

// Get/assign the kid, needed for verification by the client
Expand All @@ -202,21 +224,79 @@ func createEncodedToken(claimsMap map[string]string, profile string, lifetime in
return string(signed), nil

func cliTokenCreate( /*cmd*/ cmd *cobra.Command /*args*/, args []string) error {
// Take an input slice and append its claim name
func parseInputSlice(rawSlice *[]string, claimPrefix string) []string {
if len(*rawSlice) == 0 {
return nil
slice := []string{}
for _, val := range *rawSlice {
slice = append(slice, claimPrefix+"="+val)

return slice

func cliTokenCreate(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
// Additional claims can be passed via the --claims flag, or
// they can be passed as args. We join those two slices here
claimsSlice, err := cmd.Flags().GetStringSlice("claim")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to load claims passed via --claim flag")
args = append(args, claimsSlice...)

// Similarly for scopes. Scopes could be passed like --scope "read:/storage write:/storage"
// or they could be pased like --scope read:/storage --scope write:/storage. However, because
// we already know the name of these claims and don't expect naming via the cli, we parse the
// claims to name them here
rawScopesSlice, err := cmd.Flags().GetStringSlice("scope")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to load scopes passed via --scope flag")
scopesSlice := parseInputSlice(&rawScopesSlice, "scope")
if len(scopesSlice) > 0 {
args = append(args, scopesSlice...)

// Like scopes, we allow multiple audiences and we need to add the claim name.
rawAudSlice, err := cmd.Flags().GetStringSlice("audience")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to load audience passed via --audience flag")
audSlice := parseInputSlice(&rawAudSlice, "aud")
if len(audSlice) > 0 {
args = append(args, audSlice...)

claimsMap, err := parseClaims(args)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to parse token claims")

// Check if a profile was provided and verify what we need to from the claimsMap
profile := cmd.Flags().Lookup("profile").Value.String()
// Get flags used for auxiliary parts of token creation that can't be fed directly to claimsMap
profile, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("profile")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to get profile '%s' from input", profile)

lifetime, err := strconv.Atoi(cmd.Flags().Lookup("lifetime").Value.String())
lifetime, err := cmd.Flags().GetInt("lifetime")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to parse lifetime '%d' as an integer", lifetime)
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to get lifetime '%d' from input", lifetime)

// Flags to populate claimsMap
// Note that we don't get the issuer here, because that's bound to viper
subject, err := cmd.Flags().GetString("subject")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to get subject '%s' from input", subject)
if subject != "" {
claimsMap["sub"] = subject

token, err := createEncodedToken(claimsMap, profile, lifetime)
// Finally, create the token
token, err := CreateEncodedToken(claimsMap, profile, lifetime)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to create the token")
Expand All @@ -225,6 +305,6 @@ func cliTokenCreate( /*cmd*/ cmd *cobra.Command /*args*/, args []string) error {
return nil

func verifyToken( /*cmd*/ cmd *cobra.Command /*args*/, args []string) error {
func verifyToken(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return errors.New("Token verification not yet implemented")

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