Column reordering with resizable columns plug-in for DataTables
New options include:
minResizeWidth: (default: 10). Minimum size that columns can be.
bResizeTable: (Default: true). Allow table to be resized. Column resize events will grow or shrink table
bAddFixed: (default: true). Automtically add taable-layout:fixed CSS to a table
fnResizeTableCallback: Call function every time the table is resized
allowResize (default: true): Allow table to be resized
allowHeaderDoubleClick (default: false): Double-clicking on header field will expand to "full size". double-clicking again will reduce to minimum size. For best behavior, turn off sorting before enabling this.
headerContextMenu (default: false): If set to true, enables a context menu for selecting columns to view. It can work with jquery ui or without jquery ui. (However it is really ugly without it.) A function can also be specified. If a function is given, it will have the scope of the element clicked. It will be passed the event object, the datatable settings and the colreorder scope. See the _fnDefaultContextMenu in the docs for example of creating a function.
Other options remain the same as those in the ColReorder plugin.
Basic initialization:
$(document).ready( function () {
$('#example').dataTable( {
"sDom": 'Rlfrtip'
} );
} );
The "R" option in sDom enables this feature.
Additional options can be set with "oColReorder":
$(document).ready( function () {
$('#example').dataTable( {
"sDom": 'Rlfrtip',
"oColReorder": {
} );
} );