This is a course project for CMPS263 of 2017 Winter
The repository contains code for data wrangling and visualization.
The online visualization is here
Python is used for data wrangling. Jupyter is used for writing Python scripts.
Bokeh and matplotlib is used for start stage visualization.
D3 and Javascript is used for final visualization.
D3 (V3) and D3-hexbin from
D3-slider from MasterMaps.
D3-shotchart from Matt McManus (There is some problem with the original code, so I edit some functions and add some other functions I need).
I get inspiration from:
- Every shot Kobe Bryant ever took
- The Evolution of King James
- Where the Heat and the Thunder Hit Their Shots
- Buckets: NBA Shot Visualization (Some of the visualization ideas come from this visualization)
The folder vis_d3 contains the final visualization code. The folder data_wrangling contains the code for data wrangling. The folder vis_bokeh contains the code for visualization by bokeh which I used in early stage for visualization.