参数 | 取值 | 解释 |
learning_rate | 0 ~ 1 | 学习速率越小,学习得越精细,但所需的学习次数(num_boost_round)越多。默认值 0.1,一般设置 0.05,0.01,0.005 |
max_depth | > 0 | 树的深度。越大,模型越复杂,表达能力越强,但会过拟合。默认值是 6,常用探索范围 4 ~ 10,根据需要也可以设置更高的树深 |
min_child_weight | > 0 | 当每个样本权重相等时,min_child_weight 就等于落入每个叶子结点的样本数。可以限制叶子结点继续分割,设置一个大的值可以防止过拟合。默认值是 1,常用探索范围 20 ~ 200,当样本规模很大时,可以设置更大的值 |
subsample | 0 ~ 1 | 每一轮 boosting 时随机使用一部分样本。可以用来对抗过拟合 |
colsample_bytree | 0 ~ 1 | 随机使用一部分 feature,可用来对抗过拟合 |
参数 | 取值 | 解释 |
learning_rate | 0 ~ 1 | 与 XGBoost 类似 |
num_leaves | > 0 | 与 XGBoost 中 max_depth 转换关系大致为 num_leaves = 2**max_depth,但树不是完全二叉树,一般设置时会小于 2**max_depth。比如,max_depth 为 7 时效果最好,那么 num_leaves 设为 70 或 80 就够了。默认值为 31 |
min_data_in_leaf | > 0 | 与 XGBoost 中 min_child_weight 类似。默认值为 20 |
bagging_fraction | 0 ~ 1 | 与 XGBoost 中 subsample 类似,生效的话必须设置 subsample_freq=1 |
feature_fraction | 0 ~ 1 | 与 XGBoost 中 colsample_bytree 类似 |
lambda_l1/l2 | > 0 | L1/L2 正则化参数 |
I tune my models manually. And I only adjust three parameters, namely
, andsubsample
so it's easy. Many other Kagglers tune a dozen parameters with Optuna, but I only tune these three and it has worked well for me the past 5 years! This isn't to say Optuna doesn't help. I once had a teammate who applied Optuna to my model (and tuned a dozen parameters) and it boosted the CV LB better than my tuning. But the 3 I name are the most important and mostly get the job done. They certainly allow us to effectively search feature engineering. One exception is with XGBoost when usingenable_categorical=True
, I think tuningmin_child_weight
to greater than zero like 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 helps.Before I find features, I like to have a strong working baseline. (i.e. There is no point adding features to a non-working model). So I quickly tune hyperparameters in some base models so they perform well. Afterward I try adding new features. For the most part, I do not optimize (i.e. change) hyperparameters as I am adding features. I just keep the same hyperparameters and try adding features. Then perhaps once I've changed a lot of features (after a few weeks of feature engineering), I may check the hyperparameters again. There are some exceptions to the process I describe above. There are some features that require different hyperparameters, so if I add certain features, I may tune hyperparameters at the same time. One example is if I add a group of 50 new features that are high correlated. Then I might change
to deal with the redundant features. Or let's say I add features where I want interaction or i do not want interaction, then i might adjusttree_depth
. But for the most part when adding most common new features, I just keep my original model hyperparameters.