Java library for accessing the PostgreSQL parser outside of the server.
This library uses the base library libpg_query
- wget
- make
- gcc
- maven
- java 8+
This was built under the following conditions.
- open jdk 8u302
- GNU Make 4.3
- gcc 12.2.0
- maven 3.8.6
- OS: arch linux x86_64
In addition: It's works fine on openjdk-8-slim-buster docker image. But you must build the in the image to avoid GBLIC version differences.
This was tested almost not at all. Good luck!
mvn clean package -Pdownload -PbuildLib
-Pdownload: download libpg_query source code into target/downloads/
-PbuildLib: generate into src/main/resource/
mvn test
import com.github.ttttz.pgParser.split.PgQuerySplitResult;
import com.github.ttttz.pgParser.split.PgQuerySplitStmt;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
public class PgLibTest {
public void test_split(){
String input = "select * from t;select * from t;";
PgQuerySplitResult.ByValue byValue = PgQueryLibInterface
PointerByReference stmts = byValue.stmts;
int pointIndex = 0;
int pointSize = 8; //bytes
for(int i=0;i<byValue.n_stmts;i++){
pointIndex = i*pointSize;
PgQuerySplitStmt.ByReference pgQuerySplitStmt = new PgQuerySplitStmt.ByReference(stmts.getPointer().getPointer(pointIndex));;
String split = input.substring(pgQuerySplitStmt.stmt_location, pgQuerySplitStmt.stmt_location+ pgQuerySplitStmt.stmt_len);
assertEquals("select * from t",split);
- 2022-12-02: add support of pg_query_split_with_parser
- 2022-12-02: add support of pg_query_split_with_scanner
- 2022-12-02: add support of pg_query_free_split_result