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A pack of various prebuilt tools(?) used for video encoding(?) on (x86) HPC clusters.


The motivation of this project is to find a faster way of encoding videos with avisynth/vapoursynth with x264/265.
My former solution is a series of semi-automatic windows cmd scripts, which distributes encoding jobs to a few windows slave machines.
However sometimes it is buggy because of various reasons(maybe Windows is the most significant one). So I decided to migrate everything to linux and, since there's some HPC resources available, submit encode jobs to clusters will save a lot of time.
You can submit a TV series of 12 episodes * 2 (1080p and 720p) * 2 (GB and BIG5) = 48 jobs to the cluster and, if there's enough nodes, your jobs will complete within the time of encoding just 1 episode.


  • Avisynth+ 3.7.2
  • avs plugins
  • vs plugins
  • ffmpeg
  • libass
  • lsmash
  • fdk_aac
  • VS r62
  • x264
  • x265
  • Python 3.11
  • mediainfo
  • mkvtoolnix-r78
  • mktorrent v1.0
  • mp4fpsmod
  • GLIBC 2.17 i686
  • Wine-8.0.1-mod
  • Wine64-8.0.1
  • Avisynth+ 3.7.2 Windows i686
  • Avisynth+ 3.7.2 Windows x64
  • VSFilterMod i686
  • VSFilterMod x64

Requirements and limitations

The package almost include every binary files needed for encoding, even with a gcc.
So the only requirement is environment modules(to manage environment variables), and, this is a very fundamental part of supercomputers so every HPC cluster should have this.

Scheduler support

Slurm Only
Can be ported to pbs/toqrue/LSF by modifying batch scripts. default batch template is config/sub_web.
Can be replaced with webbatch -t.

Heterogeneous support

Since it's difficult for some cluster to allocate CPUs and GPUs together, currently there'll be NO GPU support for plugins or encoders.

Softsub support

Currently not scheduled.

Architecture support

Currently Broadwell(E5v4) and later Intel CPUs. May add EPYC2+ support if I get a cluster to test.

Numa support

Will try to bind x264 process to 1 socket on DP/MP platforms if there's more than 12 threads per socket available.

AVS/VS Plugins support (Linux)

Check AVS plugins at deps/avsp3.7.2/lib/avisynth
Check VS plugins at deps/vs-plugins

AVS Plugins support (Win64)

Currently only Lsmashsource and VSFilterMod
Put x64 plugin dlls in deps/wine/avs64/plugins

AVS Plugins support (Win32)

Currently only Lsmashsource and VSFilterMod
Put i686 plugin dlls in deps/wine/avs32/plugins

VSFilterMod support

Supported by wine, i686 and x64 versions available

VFR source support

Scheduled, only MP4


Just clone this project to your compute cluster. Initiate the environment by
. ./

Create project

  • Add a name map rule to config/namemap (Details below)
  • By default we use parameters and paths in config/defaultprofile, you can create a alternate one for each project(e.g. KAKT_profile) under the config dir, Just copy the default one to the new one and modify.
cp config/defaultprofile config/KAKT_profile
vi config/KAKT_profile
  • Prepeare project dirs, example(using project name KAKT):
mkdir KAKT
mkdir ass font out script src tmp

File name map

if a project's name is KAKT, the file's naming rules will be following:


OUTNAME=[KTXP][Ayakashi_Triangle][$INDEX][$LANGG][$RESO]; SRC="Ayakashi Triangle"; ASS=KAKT # KAKT

Defines the output name, the SRC name is also used to search source file and ass file.
The source file should contain "Ayakashi Triangle", like [SubsPlease] Ayakashi Triangle - 01 (1080p).mkv.
The ass file like Ayakashi Triangle - 01_GB.ass or KAKT_01_GB.ass will be searched.
The name template pattern can be changed as your wish but do not change the $varaible name.

Prepare encoding script templates

You can specify AVS/VS templates for each project, edit the project's profile's AVSTMPL/VSTMPL part.
Each project can have both AVS and VS templates, choosed when submiting jobs, by default avs will be used.
Separate template for x265 is also supported, useful for 8bit AVC and 10bit HEVC for a single project.
example scripts are config/base_template.avs or config/base_template.vpy, using the following varaible for substitution.

AVS/VS template Variables

String Usage
__ENCROOT__ The HPCENC root dir
__SRCFILE__ The source file name, without path
__ASSFILE__ The ass file name without path
__FONTDIR__ The relative font dir(in the project's dir)

AVS template rules

  • If using automatic avs creation and 720p output, the template's last line should be 8bit final clip (e.g. Return V / Return Audiodub(V,A))

VS template rules

  • Video stream should be output stream 0, and audio stream 1.

Prepare files

Copy sources, fonts, ass, and scripts(optional) into respective files.

DIR name Usage
ass ass files here
font fonts here
src source files here
out final output dir
scripts copy avs scripts here(or automatically created here)
tmp intermediate files here(.264 .265 .aac)

A symlink can be used for "font" dir across different projects, or modify the project's profile. For multiple simultaneous projects using VSFM, project's profile's FONT_MODE should be set to shared, and move "font" dir to ENCROOT

Submit encode jobs

For detailed information about cluster scheduler and job submitting, refer to

Direct run


srun -N 1 --ntasks-per-node 1 [ -p profile ] -n projectname -i index -r [1080/720] -l [GB/B5] -c [264/265] [ -m avs/vs ]

Submit job

webbatch [ -P partition -p profile ] -n projectname -i index -r [1080/720] -l [GB/B5] -c [264/265] [ -t job_template ] [ -m avs/vs ]
[root@f hpcenc]# -n KAKT -i 01 -r 720 -l GB -c 264
Submitted batch job 60796
[root@f hpcenc]# -n KAKT -i 01 -r 720 -l BIG5 -c 264
Submitted batch job 60797
[root@f hpcenc]# squeue
 60797      oooo KAKT_01_BIG5_720_264         root  R       4:21     1 y10
 60796      oooo   KAKT_01_GB_720_264         root  R       4:27     1 y7
 60795      oooo                 test         root  R       8:38     1 y2
[root@f hpcenc]# squeue |grep root
 62783      oooo KKSC_07_B5_1080_264.         root  R       6:34     1 y8
 62782      oooo KKSC_08_B5_1080_264.         root  R       6:37     1 y13
 62781      oooo KKSC_09_B5_1080_264.         root  R       6:40     1 y1
 62789     ooood KKSC_10_B5_1080_264.         root  R       6:10     1 b26
 62788     ooood KKSC_06_B5_1080_264.         root  R       6:13     1 b25
 62787     ooood KKSC_05_B5_1080_264.         root  R       6:16     1 b24
 62791     oooof KKSC_12_B5_1080_264.         root  R       5:52     1 w3
 62790     oooof KKSC_11_B5_1080_264.         root  R       5:55     1 w3
 62786     oooof KKSC_04_B5_1080_264.         root  R       6:28     1 w2
 62784     oooof KKSC_02_B5_1080_264.         root  R       6:31     1 w1
 62785     oooof KKSC_03_B5_1080_264.         root  R       6:31     1 w2
 62772     oooof KKSC_01_B5_1080_264.         root  R       8:42     1 w1

And get your output file int the "out" dir

Known issue

  • Since wine use dlopen(3) to load libraries. We cannot get every libraries wine will use, so there may be a lack of some libraries on some clusters.\
  • For unknown reasons when using vsfiltermod, wine sometimes exit before encode finish without errors. This is currently under investigation.
    Please create issues about the missing library when you encounter these kinds of error.

Current status

  • Webrip batch with avs
  • Webrip batch with vs
  • BDMV preprocess
  • BDMV batch with avs
  • BDMV batch with vs
  • x264 cpu binding on NUMA systems (4 Way Xeon)
  • Custom x26x parameters for seperate projects
  • Custom x26x scipt templates for seperate projects
  • VSFM support (i686 and x64)
  • MP4 VFR support
  • Linux AVS plugins
  • Linux VS plugins
  • More avs win plugins
  • mktorrent
  • update tracker list
  • Automatic upload
  • Automatic mktorrent
  • Automatic publish
  • Automatic job submission as daemon


x264/265 encoding pack for HPC clusters






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