Many TextMate color themes were designed on Mac OS X, which used the Generic RGB color profile and a gamma of 1.8 by default. This results in the colors being darker if used directly on Windows.
For portability and compatibility with other editors and operating systems, it is better to use sRGB.
This script will convert the color values in a tmTheme file from Generic RGB to sRGB, optionally applying simple alpha blending with the foreground and background colors (for TextMate 2 themes before this change).
I wrote this while working on a blog post about the effects of color management on themes in text editors.
The scripts are written for Python 3.
takes a tmTheme file and converts the color values from
Generic RGB to sRGB. A gamma value to be used for the original file can be
supplied, and optionally colors with alpha values can be blended with
foreground/background color instead of copied.
usage: [-h] [-g GAMMA] [-b] infile outfile
Convert Generic RGB to sRGB.
positional arguments:
infile input tmTheme file
outfile output tmTheme file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g GAMMA, --gamma GAMMA
input gamma (default 1.8)
-b blend alpha
is a playground for working with color space conversions. It
was used to compute the GenericRGBtosRGB
matrix used in
These screenshots show the themes from the examples folder in Sublime Text 3 on Windows.
Original and sRGB version of Monokai:
Original and sRGB version of Railscasts:
Original and sRGB version of Tomorrow Night:
Original and sRGB version of Twilight:
This projected is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.