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478 lines (293 loc) · 20 KB

File metadata and controls

478 lines (293 loc) · 20 KB





Type aliases



Object literals

Type aliases


Ƭ AbstractPath: { toString: () => string }

Defined in types.ts:32

An abstract way to specify a path. It could be a simple string or a object like an URL. An AbstractPath must always be convertible to a string.

Type declaration:

Name Type
toString () => string


Ƭ Cache: { get: (key: string) => Promise<string | undefined> ; set: (key: string, value: string) => Promise<void> }

Defined in types.ts:20

Type declaration:

Name Type
get (key: string) => Promise<string | undefined>
set (key: string, value: string) => Promise<void>


Ƭ ContentData: string | ArrayBuffer

Defined in types.ts:71


Ƭ CustomBlock: { attrs: Record<string, string | true> ; content: string ; type: string }

Defined in types.ts:109

A custom block

Type declaration:

Name Type
attrs Record<string, string | true>
content string
type string


Ƭ CustomBlockCallback: (component: ModuleExport) => void

Defined in types.ts:103

CustomBlockCallback function type


Ƭ File: { getContentData: (asBinary: Boolean) => Promise<ContentData> ; type: string }

Defined in types.ts:77

Represents a file content and the extension name.

Type declaration:

Name Type Description
getContentData (asBinary: Boolean) => Promise<ContentData> The content data accessor (request data as text of binary)
type string The content type (file extension name, eg. '.svg' )


Ƭ LangProcessor: (source: string, preprocessOptions?: any) => Promise<string> | string

Defined in types.ts:439


Ƭ Module: { exports: ModuleExport }

Defined in types.ts:128

This just represents a loaded js module

Type declaration:

Name Type
exports ModuleExport


Ƭ ModuleCacheId: string

Defined in types.ts:26


Ƭ ModuleExport: {} | null

Defined in types.ts:123

This just represents a loaded js module exports


Ƭ ModuleHandler: (type: string, getContentData: File["getContentData"], path: AbstractPath, options: Options) => Promise<ModuleExport | null>

Defined in types.ts:68

Used by the library when it needs to handle a does not know how to handle a given file type (eg. .json files).

param The type of the file. It can be anything, but must be '.vue', '.js' or '.mjs' for vue, js and esm files.

param The method to get the content data of a file (text or binary). see [[ File['getContentData'] ]]

param The path of the file

param The options




Ƭ Options: { additionalBabelParserPlugins?: babel_ParserPlugin[] ; additionalBabelPlugins?: Record<string, any> ; compiledCache?: Cache ; delimiters?: [string, string] ; devMode?: boolean ; handleModule?: ModuleHandler ; isCustomElement: (tag: string) => boolean | undefined ; moduleCache: Record<ModuleCacheId, LoadingType<ModuleExport> | ModuleExport> ; pathResolve: PathResolve ; whitespace?: "preserve" | "condense" ; addStyle: (style: string, scopeId: string | undefined) => void ; createCJSModule: (refPath: AbstractPath, source: string, options: Options) => Module ; customBlockHandler?: (block: CustomBlock, filename: AbstractPath, options: Options) => Promise<CustomBlockCallback | undefined> ; getFile: (path: AbstractPath) => Promise<File | ContentData> ; getResource: (pathCx: PathContext, options: Options) => Resource ; loadModule?: (path: AbstractPath, options: Options) => Promise<ModuleExport | undefined> ; log?: (type: string, any[]) => void ; processStyles: (srcRaw: string, lang: string | undefined, filename: AbstractPath, options: Options) => Promise<string> }

Defined in types.ts:139

Type declaration:

Name Type Description
additionalBabelParserPlugins? babel_ParserPlugin[] Additional babel parser plugins. [TBD] javascript ... ...
additionalBabelPlugins? Record<string, any> Additional babel plugins. [TBD] javascript ... ...
compiledCache? Cache get() and set() functions of this object are called when the lib needs to save or load already compiled code. get and set functions must return a Promise (or can be async). Since compilation consume a lot of CPU, is is always a good idea to provide this object. example: In the following example, we cache the compiled code in the browser's local storage. Note that local storage is a limited place (usually 5MB). Here we handle space limitation in a very basic way. Maybe (not tested), the following libraries may help you to gain more space pako, lz-string javascript ... compiledCache: { set(key, str) { // naive storage space management for (;;) { try { // doc: window.localStorage.setItem(key, str); break; } catch(ex) { // here we handle DOMException: Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': Setting the value of 'XXX' exceeded the quota window.localStorage.removeItem(window.localStorage.key(0)); } } }, get(key) { return window.localStorage.getItem(key); }, }, ...
delimiters? [string, string] Sets the delimiters used for text interpolation within the template. Typically this is used to avoid conflicting with server-side frameworks that also use mustache syntax. javascript ... <script> // <!-- const vueContent = ` <template> Hello [[[[ who ]]]] !</template> <script> export default { data() { return { who: 'world' } } } </script> `; // --> const options = { moduleCache: { vue: Vue }, getFile: () => vueContent, addStyle: () => {}, delimiters: ['[[[[', ']]]]'], } const app = Vue.createApp(Vue.defineAsyncComponent(() => window['vue3-sfc-loader'].loadModule('file.vue', options))); app.mount(document.body); </script> ...
devMode? boolean Set development mode prevent minification, allow debugger statement,
handleModule? ModuleHandler Handle additional module types (eg. '.svg', '.json' ). see ModuleHandler
isCustomElement (tag: string) => boolean | undefined Specifies a check method to recognize native custom elements. see. note: this option has no effect on vue2
moduleCache Record<ModuleCacheId, LoadingType<ModuleExport> | ModuleExport> Initial cache that will contain resolved dependencies. All new modules go here. vue must initially be contained in this object. moduleCache is mandatory and should be shared between options objects used for you application (note that you can also pass the same options object through multiple loadModule calls) It is recommended to provide a prototype-less object (Object.create(null)) to avoid potential conflict with Object properties (constructor, proto, hasOwnProperty, ...). ​ * The library take the ownership of moduleCache when loadModule is called. See also [[options.loadModule]]. example: javascript ... moduleCache: Object.assign(Object.create(null), { vue: Vue, }), ...
pathResolve PathResolve Abstact path handling (optional)
whitespace? "preserve" | "condense" Whitespace handling strategy see
addStyle (style: string, scopeId: string | undefined) => void -
createCJSModule (refPath: AbstractPath, source: string, options: Options) => Module -
customBlockHandler? (block: CustomBlock, filename: AbstractPath, options: Options) => Promise<CustomBlockCallback | undefined> -
getFile (path: AbstractPath) => Promise<File | ContentData> -
getResource (pathCx: PathContext, options: Options) => Resource -
loadModule? (path: AbstractPath, options: Options) => Promise<ModuleExport | undefined> -
log? (type: string, any[]) => void -
processStyles (srcRaw: string, lang: string | undefined, filename: AbstractPath, options: Options) => Promise<string> -


Ƭ PathContext: { refPath: AbstractPath | undefined ; relPath: AbstractPath }

Defined in types.ts:41

A PathContext represents a path (relPath) relative to an abolute path (refPath) Note that relPath is not necessary relative, but when it is, relPath is relative to refPath.

Type declaration:

Name Type Description
refPath AbstractPath | undefined reference path
relPath AbstractPath relative to @refPath


Ƭ PathResolve: (pathCx: PathContext) => AbstractPath

Defined in types.ts:50

relative to absolute module path resolution


Ƭ Resource: { getContent: () => Promise<File> ; id: ModuleCacheId ; path: AbstractPath }

Defined in types.ts:88

Represents a resource.

Type declaration:

Name Type Description
getContent () => Promise<File> asynchronously get the content of the resource. Once you got the content, you can asynchronously get the data through the getContentData(asBinary) method.
id ModuleCacheId 'abstract' unique id of the resource. This id is used as the key of the [[Options.moduleCache]]
path AbstractPath file path of the resource



Const version: string = process.env.VERSION as string

Defined in tools.ts:49

Defined in index.ts:26

the version of the library (process.env.VERSION is set by webpack, at compile-time)


Const vueVersion: string = process.env.VUE_VERSION as string

Defined in index.ts:32

the version of Vue that is expected by the library



buildTemplateProcessor(processor: LangProcessor): object

Defined in index.ts:194

Convert a function to template processor interface (consolidate)


Name Type
processor LangProcessor

Returns: object

Name Type
render (source: string, preprocessOptions: string, cb: (_err: any, _res: any) => void) => void


createSFCModule(source: string, filename: AbstractPath, options: Options): Promise<ModuleExport>

Defined in createSFCModule.ts:3


Name Type
source string
filename AbstractPath
options Options

Returns: Promise<ModuleExport>


defaultGetResource(pathCx: PathContext, options: Options): Resource

Defined in index.ts:74

Default getResource implementation by default, getContent() use the file extension as file type.


Name Type
pathCx PathContext
options Options

Returns: Resource


ConstdefaultPathResolve(__namedParameters: { refPath: AbstractPath ; relPath: AbstractPath }): string | AbstractPath

Defined in index.ts:51

Default resolve implementation resolve() should handle 3 situations :

  • resolve a relative path ( eg. import './details.vue' )
  • resolve an absolute path ( eg. import '/components/card.vue' )
  • resolve a module name ( eg. import { format } from 'date-fns' )


Name Type
__namedParameters { refPath: AbstractPath ; relPath: AbstractPath }

Returns: string | AbstractPath


handleModuleInternal(type: string, getContentData: File["getContentData"], path: AbstractPath, options: Options): Promise<ModuleExport | undefined>

Defined in tools.ts:399

Default implementation of handleModule


Name Type
type string
getContentData File["getContentData"]
path AbstractPath
options Options

Returns: Promise<ModuleExport | undefined>


loadModule(path: AbstractPath, options?: Options): Promise<ModuleExport>

Defined in index.ts:155

This is the main function. This function is intended to be used only to load the entry point of your application. If for some reason you need to use it in your components, be sure to share at least the options.moduleCache object between all calls.


Name Type Default value Description
path AbstractPath - The path of the .vue file. If path is not a path (eg. an string ID), your getFile function must return a File object.
options Options throwNotDefined('options') The options

Returns: Promise<ModuleExport>

A Promise of the component

example using Vue.defineAsyncComponent:

	const app = Vue.createApp({
		components: {
			'my-component': Vue.defineAsyncComponent( () => loadModule('./myComponent.vue', options) )
		template: '<my-component></my-component>'

example using await:

;(async () => {

		const app = Vue.createApp({
			components: {
				'my-component': await loadModule('./myComponent.vue', options)
			template: '<my-component></my-component>'

.catch(ex => console.error(ex));


loadModuleInternal(pathCx: PathContext, options: Options): Promise<ModuleExport>

Defined in tools.ts:276


Name Type
pathCx PathContext
options Options

Returns: Promise<ModuleExport>

Object literals


Const targetBrowserBabelPlugins: object

Defined in tools.ts:211
