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Jan 5, 2020

HotSpot Runtime Overview


This section introduces key concepts associated with the major subsystems of the HotSpot runtime system. The following topics are covered:

本文主要介绍HotSpot各个运行时子系统相关的概念。 包含以下内容:

Command-Line Argument Processing


There are a number of command-line options and environment variables that can affect the performance characteristics of the Java HotSpot Virtual Machine. Some of these options are consumed by the launcher (such as ‘-server’ or ‘-client’), some are processed by the launcher and passed to the JVM, while most are consumed directly by the JVM.

HotSpot虚拟机支持的命令行参数/环境变量非常多。 其中有少部分参数是给引导程序(launcher)使用的(例如 -server 或者 -client), 一些选项由引导程序先进行处理, 然后传递给JVM, 总的来说, 绝大部分选项都是给JVM直接使用的。

There are three main categories of options: standard options, non-standard options, and developer options. Standard options are expected to be accepted by all JVM implementations and are stable between releases (though they can be deprecated). Options that begin with -X are non-standard (not guaranteed to be supported on all JVM implementations), and are subject to change without notice in subsequent releases of the Java SDK. Options that begin with -XX are developer options and often have specific system requirements for correct operation and may require privileged access to system configuration parameters; they are not recommended for casual use. These options are also subject to change without notice.

启动参数分为三大类:标准选项(standard options),非标准选项(non-standard options)和开发者选项(developer options)。 标准选项就是所有JVM实现都要支持的部分,并且在各发行版之间保持稳定(当然也可能被废弃)。

-X 开头的选项是非标准选项(可能只有某些公司的JVM实现支持这些选项), 并且JDK厂商可能在后续版本的Java SDK中进行变更。

-XX 开头的选项是开发者选项,通常需要一些特殊的权限,这些参数的配置需要专业人员来维护。JDK厂商可能根据需要进行变更。

Command-line flags control the values of internal variables in the JVM, all of which have a type and a default value. For boolean values, the mere presence or lack of presence of a flag on the command-line can control the value of the variables. For-XX boolean flags, a ‘+’ or '-' prefix before the name indicates a true or false value, respectively. For variables that require additional data, there are a number of different mechanisms used to pass that data in. Some flags accept the data passed in directly after the name of the flag without any delineator, while for other flags you have to separate the flag name from the data with a ‘:’ or a ‘=’ character. Unfortunately the method depends on the particular flag and its parsing mechanism. Developer flags (the -XX flags) appear in only three different forms: -XX:+OptionName, -XX:-OptionName, and -XX:OptionName=.



对于 -XX 的布尔参数,在名称前面加上前缀 +- 来表示true或false值。


一部分标志直接在选项名后面带上传入的数据, 其他的则通过分隔符来区分, 比如 := 字符。


开发者选项(-XX)则只有三种格式: 加减等, -XX:+OptionName, -XX:-OptionName, 和 -XX:OptionName=

Most all of the options that take an integer size value will accept ‘k’, ‘m’, or ‘g’ suffixes which are used a kilo-, mega-, or giga- multipliers for the number. These are most often used for arguments that control memory sizes.

接收整形数值的选项,一般都支持 kmg等简写方式,分别代表 kilo-, mega-, 和 giga-, 主要用于控制内存大小。

VM Lifecycle


The following sections gives an overview of the general purpose java launcher pertaining to the lifecyle of the HotSpot VM.

下面介绍HotSpot 虚拟机的生命周期。



There are several HotSpot VM launchers in the Java Standard Edition, the general purpose launcher typically used is the java command on Unix and on Windows java and javaw commands, not to be confused with javaws which is a network based launcher.

Java Standard Edition 默认存在多个HotSpot引导程序,在Unix上一般是 java 命令, 在Windows上则是java.exejavaw.exe程序, javaw 是窗口版无命令行界面,不要与Java Web Start(javaws)混淆就行。

javaw命令基本等同于java, 只是javaw没有关联的控制台窗口. 如果不想看到命令提示符, 可以使用javaw命令. 如果启动失败, 则会弹出一个错误提示框.

The launcher operations pertaining to VM startup are:


  1. Parse the command line options, some of the command line options are consumed by the launcher itself, for example -client or -server is used to determine and load the appropriate VM library, others are passed to the VM using JavaVMInitArgs.
  2. Establish the heap sizes and the compiler type (client or server) if these options are not explicitly specified on the command line.
  3. Establishes the environment variables such as LD_LIBRARY_PATH and CLASSPATH.
  4. If the java Main-Class is not specified on the command line it fetches the Main-Class name from the JAR's manifest.
  5. Creates the VM using JNI_CreateJavaVM in a newly created thread (non primordial thread). Note: creating the VM in the primordial thread greatly reduces the ability to customize the VM, for example the stack size on Windows, and many other limitations
  6. Once the VM is created and initialized, the Main-Class is loaded, and the launcher gets the main method's attributes from the Main-Class.
  7. The java main method is then invoked in the VM usingCallStaticVoidMethod, using the marshalled arguments from the command line.
  8. Once the java main method completes, its very important to check and clear any pending exceptions that may have occurred and also pass back the exit status, the exception is cleared by callingExceptionOccurred, the return value of this method is 0 if successful, any other value otherwise, this value is passed back to the calling process.
  9. The main thread is detached using DetachCurrentThread, by doing so we decrement the thread count so the DestroyJavaVM can be called safely, also to ensure that the thread is not performing operations in the vm and that there are no active java frames on its stack.


  1. 解析命令行选项,部分选项是由引导程序自身使用,例如 -client-server用来确定加载哪些VM组件库,其余的选项通过JavaVMInitArgs传递给JVM。

  2. 如果未显式指定堆内存大小(heap sizes)和编译器类型(client/server), 需要根据当前环境来确定。


  4. 如果命令行中没有指定主类(Main-Class),则从JAR文件的清单中获取Main-Class信息。

  5. 在一个新创建的线程(非原始线程)中, 通过 JNI_CreateJavaVM创建 VM 实例。

    原因是:如果直接在原始线程中创建VM实例会严重降低可配置性,比如在Windows系统中的栈空间大小(stack size),以及受到其他限制。

  6. 创建VM并初始化之后,会加载Main-Class,引导程序从Main-Class中获取main方法的信息。

  7. 接着VM通过 usingCallStaticVoidMethod 来执行java程序的main方法, 同时会整理命令行选项,形成 main方法的参数传进去。

  8. 在 main 方法执行完成后,需要检查是否抛出了异常, 并通过 callingExceptionOccurred 清除异常, 如果处理成功则返回0,否则返回其他值,这个返回值最终会传递给调用进程。

  9. 使用 DetachCurrentThread 分离主线程,并减少前台线程的总数(count),以便安全地调用 DestroyJavaVM,同时也确保该线程不再由其他操作, 还要确保线程栈上没有存活的帧(java frame)。

The most important phases are the JNI_CreateJavaVM and DestroyJavaVM these are described in the next sections.

其中最重要的2个阶段是 JNI_CreateJavaVMDestroyJavaVM


The JNI invocation method performs, the following:

  1. Ensures that no two threads call this method at the same time and that no two VM instances are created in the same process. Noting that a VM cannot be created in the same process space once a point in initialization is reached, “point of no return”. This is so because the VM creates static data structures that cannot be re-initialized, at this time.
  2. Checks to make sure the JNI version is supported, and the ostream is initialized for gc logging. The OS modules are initialized such as the random number generator, the current pid, high-resolution time, memory page sizes, and the guard pages.
  3. The arguments and properties passed in are parsed and stored away for later use. The standard java system properties are initialized.
  4. The OS modules are further created and initialized, based on the parsed arguments and properties, are initialized for synchronization, stack, memory, and safepoint pages. At this time other libraries such as libzip, libhpi, libjava, libthread are loaded, signal handlers are initialized and set, and the thread library is initialized.
  5. The output stream logger is initialized. Any agent libraries (hprof, jdi) required are initialized and started.
  6. The thread states and the thread local storage (TLS), which holds several thread specific data required for the operation of threads, are initialized.
  7. The global data is initialized as part of the I phase, such as event log, OS synchronization primitives, perfMemory (performance memory), chunkPool (memory allocator).
  8. At this point, we can create Threads. The Java version of the main thread is created and attached to the current OS thread. However this thread will not be yet added to the known list of the Threads. The Java level synchronization is initialized and enabled.
  9. The rest of the global modules are initialized such as the BootClassLoader, CodeCache, Interpreter, Compiler, JNI, SystemDictionary, and Universe. Noting that, we have reached our “point of no return”, ie. We can no longer create another VM in the same process address space.
  10. The main thread is added to the list, by first locking the Thread_Lock. The Universe, a set of required global data structures, is sanity checked. The VMThread, which performs all the VM's critical functions, is created. At this point the appropriate JVMTI events are posted to notify the current state.
  11. The following classes java.lang.String, java.lang.System, java.lang.Thread, java.lang.ThreadGroup, java.lang.reflect.Method, java.lang.ref.Finalizer, java.lang.Class, and the rest of the System classes, are loaded and initialized. At this point, the VM is initialized and operational, but not yet fully functional.
  12. The Signal Handler thread is started, the compilers are initialized and the CompileBroker thread is started. The other helper threads StatSampler and WatcherThreads are started, at this time the VM is fully functional, the JNIEnv is populated and returned to the caller, and the VM is ready to service new JNI requests.


根据名称可知,这个JNI方法就是创建 JVM 实例, 会执行以下操作:

  1. 确保没有两个线程同时调用此方法,并且确保同一个进程中不会创建两个VM实例。

    注意: 一旦到达初始化点(point of no return,不可返回点)就无法在此进程空间中创建VM实例了。因为VM在这个时间点创建了静态数据结构,这些数据结构不能被重新初始化。

  2. 检查JNI版本是否兼容,检查是否为gc日志记录初始化了输出流(ostream)。初始化OS模块,例如随机数生成器,当前进程的 pid,时间精度,内存页大小和保护页面。

  3. 传入的参数和属性将被解析并保存起来,供以后使用。初始化标准java系统属性。

  4. 基于解析得到的参数和属性,进一步创建和初始化OS模块,例如 同步,栈,内存和安全点页面初始化。此时其他库已经加载进来了,如 libzip,libhpi,libjava,libthread,初始化并设置信号处理程序,并初始化线程库。

  5. 初始化输出流logger。初始化并启动指定的所有agent(如 hprof,jdi 等等)。

  6. 初始化线程状态和线程本地存储(TLS),其中保存了线程操作所需的一些特定数据。

  7. 此时,一阶段的全局数据初始化部分完成,例如事件日志,OS同步原语,perfMemory(performance memory),chunkPool(内存分配器)。

  8. 然后就可以创建线程了。Java版本的主线程被创建并附加到当前OS线程上。但是,这个线程尚未添加到已知的线程列表中。初始化并启用Java级别的同步。

  9. 初始化其余的全局模块,例如 BootClassLoader,CodeCache,Interpreter,Compiler,JNI,SystemDictionary和Universe。注意到,此时已经到达了“不可返回点”,也就是不能再在同一进程地址空间中创建另一个VM了。

  10. 首先锁定Thread_Lock,将主线程添加到列表中。 Universe是一组必需的全局数据结构,可以进行健全性检查。创建执行VM所有关键功能的VMThread。此时,将发布相应的 JVMTI 事件以通知当前状态。

  11. 以下类java.lang.String,java.lang.System,java.lang.Thread,java.lang.ThreadGroup,java.lang.reflect.Method,java.lang.ref.Finalizer,java.lang.Class ,以及其余的系统类,都进行加载并初始化。此时,VM已初始化并可运行,但尚未完全正常运行。

  12. 启动Signal Handler线程,初始化编译器并启动CompileBroker线程。启动其他辅助线程StatSampler和WatcherThreads,此时VM完全正常运行,JNIEnv 被填充并返回给调用者,VM已准备好为新的JNI请求提供服务。


This method can be called from the launcher to tear down the VM, it can also be called by the VM itself when a very serious error occurs.

The tear down of the VM takes the following steps:

  1. Wait until we are the last non-daemon thread to execute, noting that the VM is still functional.
  2. Call java.lang.Shutdown.shutdown(), which will invoke Java level shutdown hooks, run finalizers if finalization-on-exit.
  3. Call before_exit(), prepare for VM exit run VM level shutdown hooks (they are registered through JVM_OnExit()), stop the Profiler,StatSampler, Watcher and GC threads. Post the status events to JVMTI/PI, disable JVMPI, and stop the Signal thread.
  4. Call JavaThread::exit(), to release JNI handle blocks, remove stack guard pages, and remove this thread from Threads list. From this point on we cannot execute any more Java code.
  5. Stop VM thread, it will bring the remaining VM to a safepoint and stop the compiler threads. At a safepoint, care should that we should not use anything that could get blocked by a Safepoint.
  6. Disable tracing at JNI/JVM/JVMPI barriers.
  7. Set _vm_exited flag for threads that are still running native code.
  8. Delete this thread.
  9. Call exit_globals(), which deletes IO and PerfMemory resources.
  10. Return to caller.


启动器可以调用此方法来销毁VM; 如果发生非常严重的错误时,VM本身也会调用此方法。


  1. 等待其他的非守护程序线程全部执行结束,请注意此时VM仍然处于可用状态。
  2. 调用 java.lang.Shutdown.shutdown(), 它将调用Java级别的shutdown钩子代码,如果在退出时终止,则运行终结器。
  3. 调用 before_exit(),VM准备退出, 执行VM级别的shutdown代码(通过 JVM_OnExit() 注册),停止 Profiler,StatSampler,Watcher和GC线程。 给 JVMTI/PI 发送状态事件,然后禁用JVMPI,并停止Signal线程。
  4. 调用 JavaThread::exit(),释放JNI句柄块,删除栈保护页,并将此线程从 Threads list 中删除。 到这一步,无法再执行任何Java代码。
  5. 停止VM线程,将把VM带到安全点,并停止编译器线程。 在安全点, 注意不要用任何可能被Safepoint阻止的东西。
  6. 禁用JNI/JVM/JVMPI屏障的跟踪。
  7. 为仍在运行native代码的线程设置_vm_exited标志。
  8. 删除此线程。
  9. 调用 exit_globals(), 释放IO资源和PerfMemory资源。
  10. 返回调用者。

VM Class Loading

类加载(Class Loading)

The Java Hotspot VM supports class loading as defined by the Java Language Specification, Third Edition [1], the Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS), Second Edition [2] and as amended by the updated JVMS chapter 5, Loading, Linking and Initializing [3].

Java Hotspot VM 支持的类加载符合《Java语言规范(第三版)》,《Java虚拟机规范(第二版)》中的规定,以及更新的《JVMS. chapter 5, Loading, Linking and Initializing》。

The VM is responsible for resolving constant pool symbols, which requires loading, linking and then initializing classes and interfaces. We will use the term “class loading” to describe the overall process of mapping a class or interface name to a class object, and the more specific terms loading, linking and initializing for the phases of class loading as defined by the JVMS.

VM负责解析常量池符号,需要加载,链接然后初始化类和接口。 我们将使用术语“类加载”来表示: 将类或接口名称映射为类对象的整个过程,以及JVM规范中定义的更具体的阶段: 加载,链接和初始化。

The most common reason for class loading is during bytecode resolution, when a constant pool symbol in the classfile requires resolution. Java APIs such as Class.forName(), classLoader.loadClass(), reflection APIs, and JNI_FindClass can initiate class loading. The VM itself can initiate class loading. The VM loads core classes such as java.lang.Object, java.lang.Thread, etc. at JVM startup. Loading a class requires loading all superclasses and superinterfaces. And classfile verification, which is part of the linking phase, can require loading additional classes.

类加载过程处于字节码解析期间的主要原因,是因为class文件中的常量池符号需要被解析。诸如 Class.forName(), classLoader.loadClass() 等Java API, 反射API, 以及 JNI_FindClass 都可以启动类加载。 VM本身也会进行类加载。 比如在JVM启动时加载核心类,java.lang.Object, java.lang.Thread等。 加载一个class时, 需要加载所有super类和super接口。 而classfile的验证是链接阶段的一部分,可能需要加载其他类。

The VM and Java SE class loading libraries share the responsibility for class loading. The VM performs constant pool resolution, linking and initialization for classes and interfaces. The loading phase is a cooperative effort between the VM and specific class loaders (java.lang.classLoader).

VM和Java SE的类加载库共同负责class的加载。 VM对class和interface执行常量池解析,链接和初始化。 loading 阶段需要VM与具体的类加载器(java.lang.ClassLoader)共同协作。

Class Loading Phases


The load class phase takes a class or interface name, finds the binary in classfile format, defines the class and creates the java.lang.Class object. The load class phase can throw a NoClassDefFound error if a binary representation can not be found. In addition, the load class phase does format checking on the syntax of the classfile, which can throw a ClassFormatError or UnsupportedClassVersionError. Prior to completing loading of a class, the VM must load all of its superclasses and superinterfaces. If the class hierarchy has a problem such that this class is its own superclass or superinterface (recursively), then the VM will throw a ClassCircularityError. The VM also throws IncompatibleClassChangeError if the direct super interface is not an interface, or the direct superclass is an interface.

类加载首先肯定是需要一个类或接口的名称,然后去找到二进制classfile格式的文件,然后再定义该类并创建 java.lang.Class 对象。 如果找不到二进制表示形式,则会抛出 NoClassDefFound 错误。 此外,装载阶段并不去检查 classfile 的语法和格式,而验证过程中可能会抛出 ClassFormatErrorUnsupportedClassVersionError。 在某个类的加载过程中,JVM必须加载其所有的超类和接口。 如果类层次结构有问题(例如,该类是自己的超类或接口,死循环了),则JVM将抛出 ClassCircularityError。 而如果实现的接口并不是一个 interface,或者声明的超类是一个 interface,也会抛出 IncompatibleClassChangeError

The link class phase first does verification, which checks the classfile semantics, checks the constant pool symbols and does type checking. These checks can throw a VerifyError. Linking then does preparation, which creates and initializes static fields to standard defaults and allocates method tables. Note that no Java code has yet been run. Linking then optionally does resolution of symbolic references.

链接阶段首先需要进行验证,验证过程会检查 classfile 的语义,判断常量池中的符号并执行类型检查。这些检查可能会抛出 VerifyError。 然后进入准备阶段,这个阶段将会创建静态字段并将其初始化为标准默认值(比如null或者0值),并分配方法表。请注意,到这一步并未执行任何Java代码。 然后进入可选的解析符号引用阶段。

Class initialization runs the static initializers, and initializers for static fields. This is the first Java code which runs for this class. Note that class initialization requires superclass initialization, although not superinterface initialization.

类初始化会执行静态初始化函数,进行各个static字段的初始化。 这是此类最先执行的Java代码。 请注意,类初始化需要先进行父类的初始化,一般不执行接口的初始化。

The JVMS specifies that class initialization occurs on the first “active use” of a class. The JLS allows flexibility in when the symbolic resolution step of linking occurs as long as we respect the semantics of the language, finish each step of loading, linking and initializing before performing the next step, and throw errors when programs would expect them. For performance, the HotSpot VM generally waits until class initialization to load and link a class. So if class A references class B, loading class A will not necessarily cause loading of class B (unless required for verification). Execution of the first instruction that references B will cause initialization of B, which requires loading and linking of class B.

JVM规范明确规定, 必须在类的首次“主动使用”时才能执行类初始化。 只要我们尊重语言的语义,在执行下一步之前完成 装载,链接和初始化这些步骤, 并按照程序预期抛出相应的错误,类加载系统便可以灵活地进行符号解析。 为了提高性能,HotSpot JVM 通常要等到类初始化时才去装载和链接类。 因此,如果A类引用了B类,那么加载A类并不一定会去加载B类(除非需要进行验证)。 对B类中的第一条指令执行将会导致B类的初始化,这就需要先完成对B类的装载和链接。

Class Loader Delegation

When a class loader is asked to find and load a class, it can ask another class loader to do the actual loading. This is called class loader delegation. The first loader is an initiating loader, and the class loading that ultimately defines the class is called the defining loader. In the case of bytecode resolution, the initiating loader is the class loader for the class whose constant pool symbol we are resolving.

Class loaders are defined hierarchically and each class loader has a delegation parent. The delegation defines a search order for binary class representations. The Java SE class loader hierarchy searches the bootstrap class loader, the extension class loader and the system class loader in that order. The system class loader is the default application class loader, which runs “main” and loads classes from the classpath. The application class loader can be a class loader from the Java SE class loader libraries, or it can be provided by an application developer. The Java SE class loader libraries implement the extension class loader which loads classes from the lib/ext directory of the JRE.

Bootstrap Class Loader

The VM implements the bootstrap class loader, which loads classes from the BOOTPATH, including for example rt.jar. For faster startup, the VM can also process preloaded classes via Class Data Sharing.

Type Safety

A class or interface name is defined as a fully qualified name which includes the package name. A class type is uniquely determined by that fully qualified name and the class loader. So a class loader defines a namespace, and the same class name loaded by two distinct defining class loaders results in two distinct class types.

Given the existence of custom class loaders, the VM is responsible for ensuring that non-well-behaved class loaders can not violate type safety. See Dynamic Class Loading in the Java Virtual Machine [4], and the JVMS 5.3.4 [2]. The VM ensures that when class A calls, A’s class loader and B’s class loader agree on foo’s parameters and return value, by tracking and checking loader constraints.

Class Metadata in HotSpot

Class loading creates either an instanceKlass or an arrayKlass in the GC permanent generation. The instanceKlass refers to a java mirror, which is the instance of java.lang.Class mirroring this class. The VM C++ access to the instanceKlass is via a klassOop.

HotSpot Internal Class Loading Data

The HotSpot VM maintains three main hash tables to track class loading. The SystemDictionary contains loaded classes, which maps a class name/class loader pair to a klassOop. The SystemDictionary contains both class name/initiating loader pairs and class name/defining loader pairs. Entries are currently only removed at a safepoint. The PlaceholderTable contains classes which are currently being loaded. It is used for ClassCircularityError checking and for parallel class loading for class loaders that support multi-threaded classloading. The LoaderConstraintTable tracks constraints for type safety checking.

These hash tables are all protected by the SystemDictionary_lock. In general the load class phase in the VM is serialized using the Class loader object lock.

Bytecode Verifier and Format Checker


The Java language is a type-safe language, and standard Java compilers produce valid classfiles and type-safe code, but the JVM can't guarantee that the code was produced by a trustworthy compiler, so it must reestablish that type-safety through a process at link-time called bytecode verification.

Bytecode verification is specified in section 4.8 of the Java Virtual Machine Specification. The specification prescribes both static and dynamic constraints on the code which the JVM verifies. If any violations are found, the VM will throw a VerifyError and prevent the class from being linked.

Many of the constraints on the bytecodes can be checked statically, such as the operand of an ‘ldc’code must be a valid constant pool index whose type is CONSTANT_Integer, CONSTANT_Stringor CONSTANT_Float. Other constraints which check the type and number of arguments for other instructions requires dynamic analysis of the code to determine which operands will be present on the expression stack during execution.

There are currently two methods of analyzing the bytecodes to determine the types and number of operands that will be present for each instruction. The traditional method is called “type inference”, and operates by performing an abstract interpretation of each bytecode and merging type states at branch targets or exception handles. The analysis iterates over the bytecode until a steady state for the types are found. If a steady state cannot be found, or if the resulting types violate some bytecode constraint, then a VerifyErroris thrown. The code for this verification step is present in external library, and uses JNI to gather whatever information is needed about classes and types.

New in JDK6 is the second method for verification which is called “type verification”. In this method the Java compiler provides the steady-state type information for each branch or exception target, via the code attribute, StackMapTable. The StackMapTable consists of a number of stack map frames, each which indicates the types of the items on the expression stack and in the local variables at some offset in the method. The JVM needs to then only perform one pass through the bytecode to verify the correctness of the types to verify the bytecode. This is the method already used by JavaME CLDC. Since it it smaller and faster, this method of verification is built directly in the VM itself.

For all classfiles with a version number less than 50, such as those created prior to JDK6, the JVM will use the traditional type inference method to verify the classfiles. For classfiles greater than or equal to 50, the StackMapTable attributes will be present and the new verifier will be used. Because of the possibility of older external tools that might instrument the bytecode but neglect to update theStackMapTable attribute, certain verification errors that occur during type-checking verification may failover to the type-inference method. Should that pass succeed, the class file will be verified.

Class Data Sharing

Class 的数据共享

Class data sharing (CDS) is a feature introduced in J2SE 5.0 that is intended to reduce the startup time for Java programming language applications, in particular smaller applications, as well as reduce footprint. When the JRE is installed on 32-bit platforms using the Sun provided installer, the installer loads a set of classes from the system jar file into a private internal representation, and dumps that representation to a file, called a “shared archive”. If the Sun JRE installer is not being used, this can be done manually, as explained below. During subsequent JVM invocations, the shared archive is memory-mapped in, saving the cost of loading those classes and allowing much of the JVM's metadata for these classes to be shared among multiple JVM processes.

Class data sharing is supported only with the Java HotSpot Client VM, and only with the serial garbage collector.

The primary motivation for including CDS is the decrease in startup time it provides. CDS produces better results for smaller applications because it eliminates a fixed cost: that of loading certain core classes. The smaller the application relative to the number of core classes it uses, the larger the saved fraction of startup time.

The footprint cost of new JVM instances has been reduced in two ways. First, a portion of the shared archive, currently between five and six megabytes, is mapped read-only and therefore shared among multiple JVM processes. Previously this data was replicated in each JVM instance. Second, since the shared archive contains class data in the form in which the Java Hotspot VM uses it, the memory which would otherwise be required to access the original class information in rt.jar is not needed. These savings allow more applications to be run concurrently on the same machine. On Microsoft Windows, the footprint of a process, as measured by various tools, may appear to increase, because a larger number of pages are being mapped in to the process' address space. This is offset by the reduction in the amount of memory (inside Microsoft Windows) which is needed to hold portions on rt.jar. Reducing footprint remains a high priority.

In HotSpot, the class data sharing implementation introduces new Spaces into the permanent generation which contain the shared data. The classes.jsa shared archive is memory mapped into these Spaces at VM startup. Subsequently, the shared region is managed by the existing VM memory management subsystem.

Read-only shared data includes constant method objects (constMethodOops), symbol objects (symbolOops), and arrays of primitives, mostly character arrays.

Read-write shared data consists of mutable method objects (methodOops), constant pool objects (constantPoolOops), VM internal representation of Java classes and arrays (instanceKlasses and arrayKlasses), and various String, Class, and Exception objects.



The current HotSpot interpreter, which is used for executing bytecodes, is a template based interpreter. The HotSpot runtime a.k.a. InterpreterGenerator generates an interpreter in memory at the startup using the information in the TemplateTable (assembly code corresponding to each bytecode). A template is a description of each bytecode. The TemplateTable defines all the templates and provides accessor functions to get the template for a given bytecode. The non-product flag -XX:+PrintInterpretercan be used to view the template table generated in memory during the VM's startup process.

The template design performs better than a classic switch-statement loop for several reasons. First, the switch statement performs repeated compare operations, and in the worst case it may be required to compare a given command with all but one bytecodes to locate the required one. Second, it uses a separate software stack to pass Java arguments, while the native C stack is used by the VM itself. A number of JVM internal variables, such as the program counter or the stack pointer for a Java thread, are stored in C variables, which are not guaranteed to be always kept in the hardware registers. Management of these software interpreter structures consumes a considerable share of total execution time.[5]

Overall, the gap between the VM and the real machine is significantly narrowed by the HotSpot interpreter, which makes the interpretation speed considerably higher. This, however, comes at a price of e.g. large machine-specific chunks of code (roughly about 10 KLOC (thousand lines of code) of Intel-specific and 14 KLOC of SPARC-specific code). Overall code size and complexity is also significantly higher, since e.g. the code supporting dynamic code generation is needed. Obviously, debugging dynamically generated machine code is significantly more difficult than static code. These properties certainly do not facilitate implementation of runtime evolution, but they don’t make it infeasible either.[5]

The interpreter calls out to the VM runtime for complex operations (basically anything too complicated to do in assembly language) such as constant pool lookup.

The HotSpot interpreter is also a critical part of the overall HotSpot adaptive optimization story. Adaptive optimization solves the problems of JIT compilation by taking advantage of an interesting program property. Virtually all programs spend the vast majority of their time executing a minority of their code. Rather than compiling method by method, just in time, the Java HotSpot VM immediately runs the program using an interpreter, and analyzes the code as it runs to detect the critical hot spots in the program. Then it focuses the attention of a global native-code optimizer on the hot spots. By avoiding compilation of infrequently executed code (most of the program), the Java HotSpot compiler can devote more attention to the performance-critical parts of the program, without necessarily increasing the overall compilation time. This hot spot monitoring is continued dynamically as the program runs, so that it literally adapts its performance on the fly to the user's needs.

Java Exception Handling

Java 异常处理

Java virtual machines use exceptions to signal that a program has violated the semantic constraints of the Java language. For example, an attempt to index outside the bounds of an array will cause an exception. An exception causes a non-local transfer of control from the point where the exception occurred (or wasthrown) to a point specified by the programmer (or where the exception is caught).[6]

The HotSpot interpreter, dynamic compilers, and runtime all cooperate to implement exception handling. There are two general cases of exception handling: either the exception is thrown or caught in the same method, or it's caught by a caller. The latter case is more complicated and requires stack unwinding to find the appropriate handler.

Exceptions can be initiated by the throw bytecode, a return from a VM-internal call, a return from a JNI call, or a return from a Java call. (The last case is really just a later stage of the first 3.) When the VM recognizes that an exception has been thrown, the runtime system is invoked to find the nearest handler for that exception. Three pieces of information are used to find the handler; the current method, the current bytecode, and the exception object. If a handler is not found in the current method, as mentioned above, the current activation stack frame is popped and the process is iteratively repeated for previous frames.

Once the correct handler is found, the VM execution state is updated, and we jump to the handler as Java code execution is resumed.



Broadly, we can define “synchronization” as a mechanism that prevents, avoids or recovers from the inopportune interleavings (commonly called “races”) of concurrent operations. In Java, concurrency is expressed through the thread construct. Mutual exclusion is a special case of synchronization where at most a single thread is permitted access to protected code or data.

广义上讲,我们将“同步(Synchronization)”定义为一种机制,用来防止/避免并发操作中不适当的交错(通常称为“竞赛”)。 在Java中,并发是通过线程结构表示的。互斥是同步的一种特殊情况,最多允许一个线程访问受保护的代码或数据。

HotSpot provides Java monitors by which threads running application code may participate in a mutual exclusion protocol. A monitor is either locked or unlocked, and only one thread may own the monitor at any one time. Only after acquiring ownership of a monitor may a thread enter the critical section protected by the monitor. In Java, critical sections are referred to as "synchronized blocks", and are delineated in code by the synchronized statement.

HotSpot 为 Java 提供了管程(monitor),线程执行程序代码时可以通过管程来实现互斥。 管程有两种状态: 锁定,解锁; 在任意时刻都只能有一个线程持有。 获得了管程的所有权后,线程才可以进入受管程保护的关键部分(critical section)。 在Java中,关键部分被称为“同步块(synchronized blocks)”, 在代码中由 synchronized 语句标识。

If a thread attempts to lock a monitor and the monitor is in an unlocked state, the thread will immediately gain ownership of the monitor. If a subsequent thread attempts to gain ownership of the monitor while the monitor is locked that thread will not be permitted to proceed into the critical section until the owner releases the lock and the 2nd thread manages to gain (or is granted) exclusive ownership of the lock.

如果线程尝试锁定某个管程,并且该管程处于未锁定状态,则该线程将立即获得该管程的所有权。 如果第二个线程尝试获取该管程的所有权,在锁定管程的情况下,则不允许进入关键部分; 除非管程的所有者解除锁定,并且第二个线程设法获得(或被授予)这个锁的独占所有权。

Some additional terminology: to “enter” a monitor means to acquire exclusive ownership of the monitor and enter the associated critical section. Likewise, to “exit” a monitor means to release ownership of the monitor and exit the critical section. We also say that a thread that has locked a monitor now “owns” that monitor. “Uncontended” refers to synchronization operations on an otherwise unowned monitor by only a single thread.


  • “进入(enter)”管程,意味着获得管程的唯一所有权并进入关联的关键部分。
  • “退出(exit)”管程,意味着释放管程的所有权并退出关键部分。
  • 锁定管程的线程,“拥有(owns)”该管程。
  • “无竞争(Uncontended)” 是指仅由一个线程在原本没有所有权的管程上进行的同步操作。

The HotSpot VM incorporates leading-edge techniques for both uncontended and contended synchronization operations which boost synchronization performance by a large factor.

HotSpot VM 综合采用了用于无竞争和有竞争同步操作的先进手段,从而大大提高了同步性能。

Uncontended synchronization operations, which comprise the majority of synchronizations, are implemented with constant-time techniques. With biased locking, in the best case these operations are essentially free of cost. Since most objects are locked by at most one thread during their lifetime, we allow that thread to bias an object toward itself. Once biased, that thread can subsequently lock and unlock the object without resorting to expensive atomic instructions.[7]

无竞争同步操作,是大多数时候的同步情况, 是通过恒定时间技术实现的。 借助“偏向锁(biased locking)”,在最佳情况下,这些操作基本上是没有开销的。 由于大多数对象在生命周期中最多只会被一个线程锁定,因此我们允许该线程将一个对象“偏向”自身。 一旦有偏向,该线程便可以在后续操作中锁定和解锁对象,而无需使用开销巨大的原子指令。[参见7]

Contended synchronization operations use advanced adaptive spinning techniques to improve throughput even for applications with significant amounts of lock contention. As a result, synchronization performance becomes so fast that it is not a significant performance issue for the vast majority of real-world programs.

竞争性同步操作使用高级自适应自旋技术来提高吞吐量,即使对于具有大量锁争用的应用程序也是如此。 结果,同步性能变得如此之快,以至于对于大多数实际程序而言,它并不是一个重要的性能问题。

In HotSpot, most synchronization is handled through what we call ””fast-path” code. We have two just-in-time compilers (JITs) and an interpreter, all of which will emit fast-path code. The two JITs are “C1”, which is the -client compiler, and “C2”, which is the -server compiler. C1 and C2 both emit fast-path code directly at the synchronization site. In the normal case when there's no contention, the synchronization operation will be completed entirely in the fast-path. If, however, we need to block or wake a thread (in monitorenter or monitorexit, respectively), the fast-path code will call into the slow-path. The slow-path implementation is in native C++ code while the fast-path is emitted by the JITs.

在HotSpot中,大多数同步是通过所谓的“快速路径”代码处理的。 有两个即时编译器(JIT)和一个解释器,它们都将发出快速路径代码。 这两个JIT是“ C1”(即-client编译器)和“ C2”(即-server编译器)。 C1和C2都直接在同步站点发出快速路径代码。 在没有争用的正常情况下,同步操作将完全在快速路径中完成。 但是,如果我们需要阻塞或唤醒线程(分别在monitorenter或monitorexit中),则快速路径代码将调用慢速路径。 慢路径实现是用本地C++代码实现的,而快速路径是由JIT发出的。

Per-object synchronization state is encoded in the first word (the so-called mark word) of the VM's object representation. For several states, the mark word is multiplexed to point to additional synchronization metadata. (As an aside, in addition, the mark word is also multiplexed to contain GC age data, and the object's identity hashCode value.) The states are:

  • Neutral: Unlocked
  • Biased: Locked/Unlocked + Unshared
  • Stack-Locked: Locked + Shared but uncontended The mark points to displaced mark word on the owner thread's stack.
  • Inflated: Locked/Unlocked + Shared and contended Threads are blocked in monitorenter or wait(). The mark points to heavy-weight "objectmonitor" structure.[8]

每个对象的同步状态被编码到内存表示形式的第一个word中(所谓的标记字)。 对于几种状态,标记字被多路复用以指向其他同步元数据。 (此外,标记字还被多路复用以包含GC年龄数据和对象的唯一hashCode值。) 状态为:

  • 中立(Neutral):未锁定(Unlocked)
  • 偏向(Biased):锁定/解锁 + 非共享
  • 栈锁定(Stack-Locked):锁定+共享,但无竞争标记指向所有者线程栈上的移位标记字。
  • 膨胀(Inflated):锁定/解锁+共享, 竞争线程在monitorenter或wait()中被阻塞。该标记指向重量级的“对象管程”结构体。[参见8]

Thread Management


Thread management covers all aspects of the thread lifecycle, from creation through to termination, and the coordination of threads within the VM. This involves management of threads created from Java code (whether application code or library code), native threads that attach directly to the VM, or internal VM threads created for a range of purposes. While the broader aspects of thread management are platform independent, the details necessarily vary depending on the underlying operating system.

线程管理涵盖了线程生命周期的所有方面,从创建到终止,以及JVM中线程间的协调与交互。 需要管理的线程包括: Java代码创建的线程,直接附加到VM的本地线程, 以及为各种目的而创建的JVM内部线程。 尽管线程管理的更广泛方面是平台独立的,但是细节必定会根据底层操作系统而有所不同。

Threading Model


The basic threading model in Hotspot is a 1:1 mapping between Java threads (an instance of java.lang.Thread) and native operating system threads. The native thread is created when the Java thread is started, and is reclaimed once it terminates. The operating system is responsible for scheduling all threads and dispatching to any available CPU.

Hotspot中的基本线程模型,是将Java线程(java.lang.Thread实例)与底层操作系统线程之间进行 1:1 的映射。 本地线程在Java线程启动时创建,并在终止时被回收。操作系统负责调度所有线程并分配到可用的CPU上执行。

The relationship between Java thread priorities and operating system thread priorities is a complex one that varies across systems. These details are covered later.

Java线程优先级,与操作系统线程的优先级之间的关系比较复杂, 每个操作系统都不同。 这些细节将在后面介绍。

Thread Creation and Destruction


There are two basic ways for a thread to be introduced into the VM: execution of Java code that calls start() on a java.lang.Thread object; or attaching an existing native thread to the VM using JNI. Other threads created by the VM for internal purposes are discussed below.


  • 在Java代码中,调用 java.lang.Thread 对象的 start() 方法;
  • 使用JNI将现有的 native 线程附加到JVM。


There are a number of objects associated with a given thread in the VM (remembering that Hotspot is written in the C++ object-oriented programming language):

  • The java.lang.Thread instance that represents a thread in Java code
  • A JavaThread instance that represents the java.lang.Thread instance inside the VM. It contains additional information to track the state of the thread. A JavaThread holds a reference to its associated java.lang.Thread object (as an oop), and the java.lang.Thread object also stores a reference to its JavaThread (as a raw int). A JavaThread also holds a reference to its associated OSThread instance.
  • An OSThread instance represents an operating system thread, and contains additional operating-system-level information needed to track thread state. The OSThread then contains a platform specific “handle” to identify the actual thread to the operating system


  • Java代码中, 表示线程的 java.lang.Thread 实例
  • JVM 内部表示 java.lang.ThreadJavaThread 实例。 包含其他信息以跟踪线程的状态。 JavaThread 持有对其关联的 java.lang.Thread 对象的引用(oop指针),而 java.lang.Thread 对象也保存着对 JavaThread 的引用(原生 int)。 JavaThread还持有对应 OSThread 实例的引用。
  • OSThread 实例表示一个操作系统线程,并包含跟踪线程状态所需的操作系统级信息。 当然, OSThread 包含具体平台的“句柄”,以标识实际的操作系统线程。

When a java.lang.Thread is started the VM creates the associated JavaThread and OSThread objects, and ultimately the native thread. After preparing all of the VM state (such as thread-local storage and allocation buffers, synchronization objects and so forth) the native thread is started. The native thread completes initialization and then executes a start-up method that leads to the execution of the java.lang.Thread object's run() method, and then, upon its return, terminates the thread after dealing with any uncaught exceptions, and interacting with the VM to check if termination of this thread requires termination of the whole VM. Thread termination releases all allocated resources, removes the JavaThread from the set of known threads, invokes destructors for the OSThread and JavaThread and ultimately ceases execution when it's initial startup method completes.

在启动 java.lang.Thread 时,JVM将创建对应的 JavaThreadOSThread 对象,并最终创建 native 线程。 准备好所有的VM状态(比如 thread-local 存储, 对象分配缓冲区,同步对象等等)之后,就启动 native 线程。 native 线程完成初始化后,会执行一个启动方法,在其中调用 java.lang.Thread 对象的 run()方法, 然后根据 run() 方法的返回情况,处理完所有未捕获的异常之后,终止线程, 并与VM交互,判断在此线程终止后是否需要停止整个虚拟机。 线程结束会释放所有分配的资源,从已知线程集中删除JavaThread,调用 OSThreadJavaThread 的析构函数,并在初始启动方法执行完成后,最终停止执行。

A native thread attaches to the VM using the JNI call AttachCurrentThread. In response to this an associated OSThread and JavaThread instance is created and basic initialization is performed. Next a java.lang.Thread object must be created for the attached thread, which is done by reflectively invoking the Java code for the Thread class constructor, based on the arguments supplied when the thread attached. Once attached, a thread can invoke whatever Java code it needs to via the other JNI methods available. Finally when the native thread no longer wishes to be involved with the VM it can call the JNI DetachCurrentThreadmethod to disassociate it from the VM (release resources, drop the reference to the java.lang.Thread instance, destruct the JavaThread and OSThread objects and so forth).

native 线程通过JNI调用 AttachCurrentThread 连接到JVM中。 对于这个调用的响应,JVM会创建关联的 OSThreadJavaThread 实例,并执行基本初始化。 接下来,必须为连接的线程创建一个 java.lang.Thread 对象,该方法是根据连接线程时提供的参数,以反射方式调用Thread类构造函数对于的Java代码来完成的。 连接后,线程可以通过其他可用的JNI方法调用所需的任何Java代码。 最后,当 native 线程不再希望与JVM关联时,可以调用JNI的 DetachCurrentThread 方法, 将其与JVM解除关联(同时会释放资源,删除对 java.lang.Thread 实例的引用,析构 JavaThreadOSThread 对象等等)。

A special case of attaching a native thread is the initial creation of the VM via the JNI CreateJavaVM call, which can be done by a native application or by the launcher (java.c). This causes a range of initialization operations to take place and then acts effectively as if a call to AttachCurrentThread was made. The thread can then invoke Java code as needed, such as reflective invocation of the main method of an application. See the JNI section for further details.

附加 native 线程的一种特殊情况, 是通过JNI方式的 CreateJavaVM 来初始创建JVM时,这可以由本地应用程序或启动器(java.c)来完成。 这将导致一系列初始化操作,然后有效地进行操作,就好像调用了 AttachCurrentThread 一样。 然后,线程可以根据需要调用Java代码,例如反射调用应用程序的main方法。 更多详细信息,请参见JNI部分。

Thread States


The VM uses a number of different internal thread states to characterize what each thread is doing. This is necessary both for coordinating the interactions of threads, and for providing useful debugging information if things go wrong. A thread's state transitions as different actions are performed, and these transition points are used to check that it is appropriate for a thread to proceed with the requested action at that point in time – see the discussion of safepoints below.

JVM 使用许多不同的内部状态来标识每个线程在做什么。 这对于协调线程之间的交互,以及在出现问题时提供有用的调试信息都是很有必要的。 在执行不同的操作时,线程的状态会转换,这些转换点用于检查线程在该时间点是否适合执行所请求的操作 – 请参阅下面的安全点小节。

The main thread states from the VM perspective are as follows:

  • _thread_new: a new thread in the process of being initialized
  • _thread_in_Java: a thread that is executing Java code
  • _thread_in_vm: a thread that is executing inside the VM
  • _thread_blocked: the thread is blocked for some reason (acquiring a lock, waiting for a condition, sleeping, performing a blocking I/O operation and so forth)


  • _thread_new:正在初始化的新线程
  • _thread_in_Java:正在执行Java代码的线程
  • _thread_in_vm:在JVM内部执行的线程
  • _thread_blocked:由于某种原因被阻塞的线程(例如获取锁,等待条件,休眠,执行阻塞的I/O操作等等)

For debugging purposes additional state information is also maintained for reporting by tools, in thread dumps, stack traces etc. This is maintained in theOSThreadand some of it has fallen into dis-use, but states reported in thread dumps etc include:

  • MONITOR_WAIT: a thread is waiting to acquire a contended monitor lock
  • CONDVAR_WAIT: a thread is waiting on an internal condition variable used by the VM (not associated with any Java level object)
  • OBJECT_WAIT: a thread is performing an Object.wait() call

出于调试目的,线程状态中还维护了其他信息,以便在线程转储,调用栈跟踪时,相关工具可以使用。 这些信息在 OSThread 中维护,其中一些已被废弃,但在线程转储等报告中使用的状态包括:

  • MONITOR_WAIT:线程正在等待获取竞争的管程锁
  • CONDVAR_WAIT:线程正在等待JVM使用的内部条件变量(不与任何Java级别对象相关联)
  • OBJECT_WAIT:线程正在执行 Object.wait() 调用

Other subsystems and libraries impose their own state information, such as the JVMTI system and the ThreadState exposed by the java.lang.Thread class itself. Such information is generally not accessible to, nor relevant to, the management of threads inside the VM.

其他子系统和库强加了它们自己的状态信息,例如JVMTI系统, 以及 java.lang.Thread 类自身暴露的 ThreadState。 通常来说,这些信息与JVM内部的线程管理无关,也不会访问到这些信息。

Internal VM Threads


People are often surprised to discover that even executing a simple “Hello World” program can result in the creation of a dozen or more threads in the system. These arise from a combination of internal VM threads, and library related threads (such as reference handler and finalizer threads). The main kinds of VM threads are as follows:

  • VM thread: This singleton instance of VMThread is responsible for executing VM operations, which are discussed below
  • Periodic task thread: This singleton instance of WatcherThread simulates timer interrupts for executing periodic operations within the VM
  • GC threads: These threads, of different types, support parallel and concurrent garbage collection
  • Compiler threads: These threads perform runtime compilation of bytecode to native code
  • Signal dispatcher thread: This thread waits for process directed signals and dispatches them to a Java level signal handling method

我们会发现,即使执行一个简单的“Hello World”程序,也会导致在Java进程中创建几十个线程。 这些线程主要是JVM内部线程,以及与库相关的线程(例如引用处理器, 终结者线程等等)。 JVM的线程主要分为以下几种:

  • VM线程:VMThread 的单例对象, 负责执行VM操作,后面将对此进行讨论;
  • 定期任务线程:WatcherThread 的单例对象, 模拟在VM中执行定期操作的计时器中断;
  • GC线程:用于支持并行和并发垃圾回收的线程;
  • 编译器线程: 将字节码编译为本地机器代码;
  • 信号分发线程:此线程等待进程指示的信号,并将其分配给Java级别的信号处理方法

All threads are instances of the Thread class, and all threads that execute Java code are JavaThread instances (a subclass of Thread). The VM keeps track of all threads in a linked-list known as the Threads_list, and which is protected by the Threads_lock – one of the key synchronization locks used within the VM.

所有线程都是Thread类的实例,而所有执行Java代码的线程都是(Thread的子类)JavaThread 的实例。 JVM在称为 Threads_list 的链表中跟踪所有线程,并受 Threads_lock 的保护(这是JVM内部使用的一个关键同步锁)。

VM Operations and Safepoints


The VMThread spends its time waiting for operations to appear in the VMOperationQueue, and then executing those operations. Typically these operations are passed on to the VMThread because they require that the VM reach a safepoint before they can be executed. In simple terms, when the VM is at safepoint all threads inside the VM have been blocked, and any threads executing in native code are prevented from returning to the VM while the safepoint is in progress. This means that the VM operation can be executed knowing that no thread can be in the middle of modifying the Java heap, and all threads are in a state such that their Java stacks are unchanging and can be examined.

VMThread 持续等待 VMOperationQueue 中出现的操作,然后执行这些操作。 通常,这些操作会传递给VMThread,因为它们要求JVM在执行之前必须到达 “安全点”。 简而言之,当虚拟机处于安全点时,JVM中的所有线程均被阻塞; 并且在执行安全点时,将阻止执行native代码的所有线程返回虚拟机。 这意味着执行VM操作时,不可能有哪个线程正处于修改Java堆内存的过程中, 并且所有线程都处于可检查的状态,即它们的线程栈不会发生改变。

The most familiar VM operation is for garbage collection, or more specifically for the “stop-the-world” phase of garbage collection that is common to many garbage collection algorithms. But many other safepoint based VM operations exist, for example: biased locking revocation, thread stack dumps, thread suspension or stopping (i.e. The java.lang.Thread.stop() method) and numerous inspection/modification operations requested through JVMTI.

最常见的VM操作是 GC,或更具体地说,是许多垃圾收集算法所共有的 “stop-the-world” 阶段。 但是还存在许多其他基于安全点的VM操作,例如:偏向锁的撤销,线程栈转储,线程挂起或停止(即 java.lang.Thread.stop() 方法),以及通过 JVMTI 请求的许多检查/修改操作。

Many VM operations are synchronous, that is the requestor blocks until the operation has completed, but some are asynchronous or concurrent, meaning that the requestor can proceed in parallel with the VMThread (assuming no safepoint is initiated of course).

许多VM操作是同步的,即请求者在操作完成之前一直被阻塞; 但也有些操作是异步或并发的,这意味着请求者可以与 VMThread 并行执行(当然,假设没有启动安全点)。

Safepoints are initiated using a cooperative, polling-based mechanism. In simple terms, every so often a thread asks “should I block for a safepoint?”. Asking this question efficiently is not so simple. One place where the question is often asked is during a thread state transition. Not all state transitions do this, for example a thread leaving the VM to go to native code, but many do. The other places where a thread asks are in compiled code when returning from a method or at certain stages during loop iteration. Threads executing interpreted code don't usually ask the question, instead when the safepoint is requested the interpreter switches to a different dispatch table that includes the code to ask the question; when the safepoint is over, the dispatch table is switched back again. Once a safepoint has been requested, the VMThread must wait until all threads are known to be in a safepoint-safe state before proceeding to execute the VM operation. During a safepoint the Threads_lock is used to block any threads that were running, with the VMThread finally releasing the Threads_lock after the VM operation has been performed.

安全点是使用基于轮询的合作机制启动的。 简单来说,线程会经常发出询问: “我应该在安全点处阻塞吗?”。 想要高效地检查并不是那么简单。 一个经常发出询问的地方是在线程状态转换时。 大部分的状态转换都会执行这类操作,但不是全部,例如,线程离开JVM进入native代码时。 其他发出询问的位置,是从编译后的native代码方法返回时, 或在循环迭代中的某些阶段。 解释模式执行代码的线程通常不需要询问,而是在请求安全点时,由解释器切换到另一个包含询问代码的调度表中; 当安全点结束时,调度表将再次切回。 请求安全点后,VMThread 必须等待所有已知的线程都处于安全点状态,然后才能继续执行VM操作。 在安全点期间,Threads_lock用于阻塞所有正在运行的线程,在执行完VM操作之后, VMThread最终会释放Threads_lock。

C++ Heap Management

C++ 堆内存管理

In addition to the Java heap, which is maintained by the Java heap manager and garbage collectors, HotSpot also uses the C/C++ heap (also called the malloc heap) for storage of VM-internal objects and data. A set of C++ classes derived from the base class Arena is used to manage C++ heap operations.

Arena and its subclasses provide a fast allocation layer that sits on top of malloc/free. Each Arena allocates memory blocks (or Chunks*)* out of 3 global ChunkPool**s. Each ChunkPool satisfies allocation requests for a distinct range of allocation sizes. For example, a request for 1k of memory will be allocated from the “small” ChunkPool, while a 10K allocation will be made from the "medium" ChunkPool. This is done to avoid wasteful memory fragmentation.

The Arena system also provides better performance than pure malloc/free. The latter operations may require acquisition of global OS locks, which affects scalability and can hurt performance. Arenas are thread-local objects which cache a certain amount of storage, so that in the fast-path allocation case a lock is not required. Likewise, Arena free operations do not require a lock in the common case.

Arenas are used for thread-local resource management (ResourceArea) and handle management (HandleArea). They are also used by both the client and server compilers during compilation.

Java Native Interface (JNI)


The JNI is a native programming interface. It allows Java code that runs inside a Java virtual machine to interoperate with applications and libraries written in other programming languages, such as C, C++, and assembly.

While applications can be written entirely in Java, there are situations where Java alone does not meet the needs of an application. Programmers use the JNI to write Java native methods to handle those situations when an application cannot be written entirely in Java.

JNI native methods can be used to create, inspect, and update Java objects, call Java methods, catch and throw exceptions, load classes and obtain class information, and perform runtime type checking.

The JNI may also be used with the Invocation API to enable an arbitrary native application to embed the Java VM. This allows programmers to easily make their existing applications Java-enabled without having to link with the VM source code. [9]

It is important to remember that once an application uses the JNI, it risks losing two benefits of the Java platform.

First, Java applications that depend on the JNI can no longer readily run on multiple host environments. Even though the part of an application written in the Java programming language is portable to multiple host environments, it will be necessary to recompile the part of the application written in native programming languages.

Second, while the Java programming language is type-safe and secure, native languages such as C or C++ are not. As a result, Java developers must use extra care when writing applications using the JNI. A misbehaving native method can corrupt the entire application. For this reason, Java applications are subject to security checks before invoking JNI features.

As a general rule, developers should architect the application so that native methods are defined in as few classes as possible. This entails a cleaner isolation between native code and the rest of the application.[10]

In HotSpot, the implementation of the JNI functions is relatively straightforward. It uses various VM internal primitives to perform activities such as object creation, method invocation, etc. In general, these are the same runtime primitives used by other subsystems such as the interpreter.

A command line option, -Xcheck:jni, is provided to aid in debugging problems in JNI usage by native methods. Specifying -Xcheck:jni causes an alternate set of debugging interfaces to be used by JNI calls. The alternate interface verifies arguments to JNI calls more stringently, as well as performing additional internal consistency checks.

HotSpot must take special care to keep track of which threads are currently executing in native methods. During some VM activities, notably some phases of garbage collection, one or more threads must be halted at a safepoint in order to guarantee that the Java memory heap is not modified during the sensitive activity. When we wish to bring a thread executing in native code to a safepoint, it is allowed to continue executing native code, but the thread will be stopped when it attempts to return into Java code or make a JNI call.

VM Fatal Error Handling

JVM 致命错误处理

It is very important to provide easy ways to handle fatal errors for any software. Java Virtual Machine, i.e. JVM is not an exception. A typical fatal error would be OutOfMemoryError. Another common fatal error on Windows is called Access Violation error which is equivalent to Segmentation Fault on Solaris/Linux platforms. It is critical to understand the cause of these kind of fatal errors in order to fix them either in your application or sometimes, in JVM itself.

Usually when JVM crashes on a fatal error, it will dump a hotspot error log file called hs_err_pid**.log, (where is replaced by the crashed java process id) to the Windows desktop or the current application directory on Solaris/Linux. Several enhancements have been made to improve the diagnosability of this file since JDK 6 and many of them have been back ported to the JDK-1.4.2_09 release. Here are some highlights of these improvements:

  • Memory map is included in the error log file so it is easy to see how memory was laid out during crash.
  • -XX:ErrorFile= option is provided so that user can set the path name of the error log file.
  • OutOfMemoryError will trigger the file to be generated as well.

Another important feature is you can specify -XX:OnError="cmd1 args...;com2 ..." to the java command so that whenever VM crashes, it will execute a list of commands you specified within the quotes shown above. A typical usage of this feature is you can invoke the debugger such as dbx or Windbg to look into the crash when that happens. For the earlier releases, you can specify -XX:+ShowMessageBoxOnError as a runtime option so that when VM crashes, you can attach the running Java process to your favorite debugger.

Having said something about HotSpot error log files, here is a brief summary on how JVM internally handles fatal errors.

  • The VMError class was invented for aggregating and dumping the hs_err_pid*<pid>*.log file. It is invoked by the OS-specific code when an unrecognized signal/exception is seen.
  • The VM uses signals internally for communication. The fatal error handler is invoked when the signal is not recognized. In the unrecognized case, it may come from a fault in application JNI code, OS native libraries, JRE native libraries, or the JVM itself.
  • The fatal error handler was carefully written to avoid causing faults itself, in the case of StackOverflow or crashes when critical locks are held (like malloc lock).

Since OutOfMemoryError is so common to some large scale applications, it is critical to provide useful diagnostic message to users so that they could quickly identify a solution, sometimes by just specifying a larger Java heap size. When OutOfMemoryError happens, the error message will indicate which type of memory is problematic. For example, it could be Java heap space or PermGen space etc. Since JDK 6, a stack trace will be included in the error message. Also, -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="" option was invented so that a command will be run when the first OutOfMemoryError is thrown. Another nice feature that is worth mentioning is a built-in heap dump at OutOfMemoryError. It is enabled by specifying -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError option and you can also tell the VM where to put the heap dump file by specifying -XX:HeapDumpPath=.

Even though applications are carefully written to avoid deadlocks, sometimes it still happens. When deadlock occurs, you can type “Ctrl+Break” on Windows or grab the Java process id and send SIGQUIT to the hang process on Solaris/Linux. A Java level stack trace will be dumped out to the standard out so that you can analyze the reasons of deadlock. Since JDK 6, this feature has been built into jconsole which is a very useful tool in the JDK. So when the application hangs on a deadlock, use jconsole to attach the process and it will analyze which lock is problematic. Most of the time, the deadlock is caused by acquiring locks in the wrong order.

We strongly encourage you to check out the “Trouble-Shooting and Diagnostic Guide”[11]. It contains a lot of information which might be very useful to diagnose fatal errors.

Further Reading


“Resolving the Mysteries of Java SE Classloader”, Jeff Nisewanger, Karen Kinnear, JavaOne 2006.

