This repo provides the scripts to create a local kubernetes/openshift cluster to be used for development or integration tests. It is also used in Github action for kepler.
- Locate your BCC lib and linux header.
- Modify kind config to make sure
cover the linux header and BCC. - Export
env variable:
export CLUSTER_PROVIDER=kind/microshift
- To setup local env run:
./ up
- To tear down local env run:
./ down
There's a container registry available which is exposed at localhost:5001
To set up a local cluster for kepler development We need to make the cluster connected with a local container registry.
- Check kubectl version.
- Check k8s cluster provider's version(as KIND).
- Check prometheus operator version.
You are free to ref kind to contribute a k8s cluster, but we will have a checklist as kepler feature.
- Set up the k8s cluster.
- The connection between the specific registry and cluster, as for local development usage. We hope to pull the development image to the registry instead of a public registry.
- Able to get k8s cluster config, for the test case.
- Mount local path for linux kenerl and ebpf(BCC) inside kepler pod.