This is a RESTful API for a school management system built with Express.js and MongoDB. The system supports multiple user roles (Super Admin, Admin, Teacher, Parent) and provides comprehensive functionality for managing a school's operations.
- Role-based authentication system
- 2FA for Super Admin login
- Secure password management
- Email verification system
- Super Admin management
- Administrator management
- Teacher management
- Parent management
- Student management
- Class management
- Subject management
- Student attendance tracking
- Performance tracking (Exams & Homework)
- Schedule management
- Creche (Creche-Daycare)
- Kindergarten (K1, K2)
- Primary (Grade 1-6)
- Secondary (Year 7-11)
- High School (Year 12-13)
Clone the repository
Install dependencies:
npm install
Create a .env file with the following variables:
PORT=3000 MONGODB_URI=your_mongodb_uri JWT_SECRET=your_jwt_secret EMAIL_HOST=your_email_host EMAIL_PORT=your_email_port EMAIL_USERNAME=your_email_username EMAIL_PASSWORD=your_email_password EMAIL_FROM=your_sender_email DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAIL=default_super_admin_email DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD=default_super_admin_password
Start the server:
npm start
- POST /api/superadmin/login - Login with institution ID
- POST /api/superadmin/verify-login - Verify 2FA code
- POST /api/superadmin/verify-account - Verify account
- POST /api/superadmin/resend-code - Resend verification code
- GET /api/class - Get all classes
- GET /api/class/:id - Get specific class
- POST /api/class - Create new class
- POST /api/class/:id/students - Add student to class
- POST /api/class/:id/subjects - Add subject to class
- PUT /api/class/:id/schedule - Update class schedule
- GET /api/class/:id/schedule - Get class schedule
- GET /api/admin - Get all administrators
- POST /api/admin - Add new administrator
- GET /api/teacher - Get all teachers
- POST /api/teacher - Add new teacher
- GET /api/parent - Get all parents
- POST /api/parent - Add new parent
- GET /api/settings - Get system settings
- PUT /api/settings/email - Update email settings
- PUT /api/settings/academic-year - Update academic year
- PUT /api/settings/change-password - Change super admin password
- GET /api/settings/audit-logs - Get system audit logs
- JWT-based authentication
- Password hashing
- Role-based authorization
- Two-factor authentication for Super Admin
- Input validation
- Error handling
- Implement audit logging system
- Add file upload validation
- Implement rate limiting
- Add API documentation using Swagger
- Add test coverage
- Implement caching system