This repository was archived by the owner on Mar 10, 2022. It is now read-only.
0.44B - Gear recomendation!
A small release, but hopefully the last one to fix crashes that occur because of bugs in data elements.
- Fix: Crash when having Gear recommendation selected
- Updated README file, removing some known issues, introducing a new one: app slowing down over time, and restarting. I'll probably work this out before the next release.
- Uninstall the old version
- Uninstall the VAG extensions.
- Downlad the latest versions of aa-vex-vag.apk here:
- Download the latest version of Performance Monitor.
- Reinstall the latest versions of both apks, be sure to grant rights from the Performance Monitor Settings app!
When you use it for the first time, try not to enable ALL the data elements. Just check if there's any data first, by selecting some elements before connecting to the car. Do NOT change settings while connected, that's just not a good idea. If it doesn't work while it did work in a previous version, try an older version of aauto-vex-vag:
If it crashes, send me a logcat.