This repository was archived by the owner on Mar 10, 2022. It is now read-only.
0.45B - Fonts, pause graph, more translations
- New: Font option. (note: Seat Kombi is nice, but currently causes overlapping in min/max)
- New: Start/pause in graph
- New: Outside temperature available in clocks
- New: Gear recommendation and Gear indicator merged
- New: Italian language, thanks to @IllClown and @Calfredop
- New: MQB Coding theme
- Fix: Czech language improvements, thanks to @divacky
- Fix: Spanish language improvements, thanks to @javigody
- Fix: (Hopefully) fixing the app slowing down/crashing after some time
- Fix: Output power showing as Nm instead of Kw
- Fix: Gearbox oil temperature graph
- Uninstall the old version
- Uninstall the VAG extensions.
- Downlad the latest versions of aa-vex-vag.apk here:
- Download the latest version of Performance Monitor.
- Reinstall the latest versions of both apks, be sure to grant rights from the Performance Monitor Settings app!
Note: Google blocks custom AA apps on Google Play Services > v12.15.21 and AA v3.0. Find a workaround.