npm install --save react-form-validators
- 1.1 The minimumLen method takes input as the first argument. It also takes a config object with a required min property as the second argument.
const configObj = {
min: num
minimumLen(userInput [, configObj])
// if input is shorter than min, will return 'is too short' by default
- 1.2 The containsWhiteSpace method takes input as the first argument and an optional config object as a second argument.
containsWhiteSpace(userInput [, configObj])
// if input has white space, will return 'must not contain white space' by default
- 1.3 The containsTrailingSpace method takes input as the first argument and an optional config object as a second argument.
containsTrailingSpace(userInput [, configObj])
// only returns 'must not begin or end with a space' by default, if input begins or end with a space
- 1.4 The isRequired method takes input as the first argument and an optional config object as a second argument.
isRequired(userInput [, configObj])
// if input is empty after initial typing, returns 'is required' by default
- 1.5 The isNotANumber method takes input as the first argument and an optional config object as a second argument.
isNotANumber(userInput, [, configObj])
// if input is NaN, returns 'is not a number' by default
- 1.6 The isNotInRange method takes input as the first argument. It also takes a config object with required min & max properties as the second argument.
const configObj = {
min: num,
max: num
isNotInRange(userInput [, configObj])
// if input < min || input > max, will return 'is not in range' by default
- 1.7 The alreadyExists method takes input as the first argument. It takes two additional required args:
- Data array: two-dimensional array, array of objects, or array of strings
- Config object with a required inputLabelName property, which specifies the property you want to test for existence.
const configObj = {
inputLabelName: 'String' (e.g. 'username')
alreadyExists(userInput [data, configObj])
// if inputLabelName exists in the provided data structure, will return 'already exists' by default
- 1.8 The validateEmail method takes input as the first argument. It also takes a config object with an optional caseSensitive property as the second argument.
const configObj = {
caseSensitive: boolean
validateEmail(email [, configObj])
// if email format is invalid, will return 'is invalid e-mail format' by default
- 1.9 The validateUSPhoneNumber method takes input as the first argument and an optional config object as a second argument.
validateUSPhoneNumber(number [, configObj])
// if number is not a valid U.S. phone number, will return 'is invalid U.S. phone number' by default
* 2125555555
* (212)-555-5555
* (212) 555-5555
* 212-555-5555
* +1-212-555-5555
* +1-212-555-5555 ext 77
* */
- ... And there's more to come!
- Every method can handle a config object with the errorMessage property (String type) for custom messages.
- Install and import react-form-validators
import { Component } from 'react';
/* import validator methods */
import { containsWhiteSpace, isNotInRange } from 'react-form-validators';
/* make them iterable */
const methods = [containsWhiteSpace, isNotInRange];
class InputField extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
value: ''
/* Example: capture input value in component state */
handleChange(event) {
render() {
let { value } = this.state,
config = {};
/* Loop over methods, then save its return value to errorMsg variable */
methods.some(method => {
if (method === isNotInRange) {
/* Use a config object for methods like isNotInRange */
config = {
min: 3,
max: 7
errorMsg = method(value, config);
return errorMsg;
else {
errorMsg = method(value);
return errorMsg;
/* if the method returns a message, render it to a 'p', span tag, or div */
if (errorMsg) {
errorNode = <p>{ errorMsg }</p>
/* the errorNode below will render only if the method returned a message */
return (
<input onChange={ this.handleChange.bind(this) } value={ this.state.value } />
{ errorNode }
export default InputField;