Concurrent is a package designed for concurrency.
Map extend Update interface based on sync.Map, equivalent to CAS(Compare And Swap).
Update keeps calling 'tryUpdate()' to update key 'key' retrying the update until success if there is conflict. Note that value passed to tryUpdate may change across invocations of tryUpdate() if other writers are simultaneously updating it, so tryUpdate() needs to take into account the current contents of the value when deciding how the update object should look. If the key doesn't exist, it will pass nil to tryUpdate.
// Map example
var m concurrent.Map
if ok := m.Update("test", func(value interface{}){
if nil == value {
return 1, true
if i := value.(int); i != 1 {
return nil, false
return 2, true
}); ok {
fmt.Println("update ok")
QueuedChan is a channel with dynamic buffer size. Unlike traditional channel, push is never blocked and the buffer size follows the performance changes of production and consumption.
// QueuedChan example
c := concurrent.NewQueuedChan()
defer c.Close()
case c.PushChan() <- 0:
c.Remove(func(i interface{}) (bool, bool) {
if i.(int) == 0 {
return true, false
return false, true