Now available on PyPI and can be installed using easy_install. The package for Debian/Ubuntu is python-setuptools. Use your package manager to install this.
Now, type the following. You may need to prefix this with sudo if you want a system wide (not a virtualenv) installation.
easy_install pylms
If installed through "easy_install" or via the setup script, there is a new command called "pylms" that can be used in scripts to control your devices.
pylms --host --device 00:00:00:00:00:00 play
For more current help:
pylms --help
Class documentation, and soon to be usage instructions are now available. View Documentation.
The following functions are supported:
- Retrieval of all configured players
- Retrieval of all properties of configured players
- Retrieval of Volume, Mode, Play Status, Power Status, IR Status, Volume, Bass, Treble, Pitch etc.
- Playlist Control (Play, Add, Insert, Delete, Move etc.)
- Player Control (Play, Stop, Pause, Volume, Muting, Power, IR Remote, Volume, Bass, Treble, Pitch etc.)
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pylms.server import Server
from pylms.player import Player
sc = Server(hostname="", port=9090, username="user", password="password")
print "Logged in: %s" % sc.logged_in
print "Version: %s" % sc.get_version()
sq = sc.get_player("00:11:22:33:44:55")
print "Name: %s | Mode: %s | Time: %s | Connected: %s | WiFi: %s" % (sq.get_name(), sq.get_mode(), sq.get_time_elapsed(), sq.is_connected, sq.get_wifi_signal_strength())
print sq.get_track_title()
print sq.get_time_remaining()