This is a repo that summarizes my coursework in Analysis of Algorithms.
Language: C++ / Java
- (REVIEW) Linked List Implementation of Stacks, Queues, (ordered) Linked List in C++
- Hash Table Implementation in C++
- Raddix Sort in C++
- Huffman Coding in Java
- Quad Trees in C++
- (REVIEW) Reverse Binary Tree and Pre-/In-/Post-order Traversal in Java
- Scheduling & Partial Ordering in Java
- Minimum Spanning Tree using (1) Prim's and (2) Kruskal's Algorithm in C++
- A* Algorithm (8 Puzzle Problem) in Java
Note: Some of these implementations are not asymptotically optimal. However, these were implemented while strictly following specific specs/guidelines provided by the instructor--whose intention was perhaps to choose the algorithm steps that help us better understand the concepts, rather than the ones that are more efficient.