- Record the history of the virus event for later analysis by scrawling the medicine related website(http://www.dxy.cn/)
- Show the instantenous key data, for avoiding extra time spend in checking cell phone everyday, haha.
- Use web crawler to access the nCov data from chinese website DXY.
- run python main.py, the data can be crawbed and stored in the mongodb database.
- If you want to store the data into your local mongodb, just modify "service/db.py"
- avoid duplicated data by checking if the key numbers equal to the previous data
- Python packages applied: BeatifulSoup, re, pymongo
- Part of code modified from DXYnCov project
- The data base could be accessed by the command show bellow
- Visualize the data, visualize the time series of the nCov virus in China and Global
- Python packages: Django, Bokeh, pymongo
- Followed by the very clear tutorial: https://hackernoon.com/integrating-bokeh-visualisations-into-django-projects-a1c01a16b67a
- Current status, kinda of ugly, but at least we have the data of Shandong province, where is my wife's hometown.