This is my z shell and vim config files
- Download virtualbox guest edition from ( example VBoxGuestAdditions_X.X.XX.iso)
- Go to download folder
- Then run the follwing commands
sudo mkdir /mnt/VBGA/
sudo mount VBoxGuestAdditions_X.X.XX.iso /mnt/VBGA/
cd /mnt/VBGA/
sudo ./
- run
sudo ./
- after that install vim plugins
vim +PlugInstall
- brave-browser
- flatpak
- htop
- terminator
- vim-gtk3
- zsh-autosuggestions
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
- zsh
- indicator-multiload
- fondo
- dbeaver
- remmina
- flameshot
- emacs
- xclip
- ncdu
- docker
- Oh My Zsh
- nodejs and npm
- vim-plug
- libreOffice
- bat
- tree
- insomnia rest
- qbittorrent
- Go
- Rust
- Goland
- Python
- bitwarden
- ulaunchip
- ncdu
- docker
- Oh My Zsh
- nodejs and npm
- vim-plug
- libreOffice
- bat
- tree
- insomnia rest
- qbittorrent
- Go
- Rust
- Goland
- Python
- bitwarden
- ulauncher