The VLBI data recorder software, enabling fast and flexible VLBI data transfers as well as high-speed VLBI data recording. It should compile and run on any POSIX compatible system running on i386 or AMD64 architecture. The reason for the latter is that there is some assembler code in there which is specific to those CPUs. Since 2022 the code compiles on Apple M1, producing an Intel x86_64
As of Apr 2019 the code base is git- and cmake-i-fied. This has some consequences (most of them good) for the build process. The options available on the jive5ab make
command line have, where possible, been ported to cmake
options. More information follows below.
The source code was also re-organised; documentation now lives in the ./doc/
subdirectory - including the full jive5ab documentation (1.12, pdf), all scripts in the ./scripts/
subdirectory, which includes m5copy
. Old-style individual m5copy
releases are supported through some git
As of v3.1.0-rc2 (July 2023) the changelog was added to the Debian package, and together with the FlexBuff (or Mark6) tuning documentation added to this repository for your perusal.
A word about the new build procedure:
- cmake is a Makefile-generator tool. So in stead of diving in and calling
there is now a configuration stage first. Then callmake
- cmake generates out-of-source build systems, which means that from the same source tree you can now configure and compile different jive5ab configurations without clashes (think of different C++ compilers, StreamStor libraries, Debug/Release, ...)
- the generated makefiles have a
make install
target. The binaryjive5ab-X-Y-Z
will be installed as well as the most-used scriptsm5copy
Since July 2019 jive5ab 3.0.0+ may be compiled with support for transferring directly to an e-transfer daemon. In such a transfer, jive5ab
acts as bare-bones client wishing to transfer a single file. m5copy
has been modified to support etd://.../
as destination, which should make life, as well as transferring multiple disk scans, a lot easier. See below on how to enable this built-in client.
Clone the github repository onto your system
$> cd /path/to/src
$> git clone
# Of course you can also fork the project on github
# and clone your own version ...
The cmake
workflow is, because it favours out-of-source builds, to create a new directory for each configuration, then cd
to that directory and execute cmake
with the appropriate configuration command line options of your desire and let it generate the makefiles for you. When that step finishes succesfully, make
can be called.
Options are passed to cmake
like pre-processor directives -D<OPTION>
, explained below.
In shell speak:
$> mkdir /path/to/build
$> cd /path/to/build
# Configure this build according to your taste
$> cmake [options] /path/to/src/jive5ab
# Now make can be issued, the optional options either speed up (-j NNN) or add verbosity
$> make [-j NNN] [VERBOSE=1]
... (go get coffee or use NNN > 1 to make it quicker)
# It is possible to test/run the binary
$> src/jive5ab/jive5a-X-Y-Z -m 3
# and optionally install it
$> make install
The Mark6 comes with an ancient O/S and the cmake version installed is 2.8.2, which causes a compile error when it gets to compiling the assembler code. This can be prevented (fixed) by (re)running the cmake
configuration step like this:
$> cmake -DCMAKE_ASM_COMPILER=/usr/bin/gcc -DCMAKE_ASM_FLAGS=-c [other options] /path/to/src/jive5ab
Thanks @JonQ for diagnosing and helping with a solution.
Category | Option | Description |
Debug/Release | CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Type | Substitute 'Release' or 'Debug' for Type. Default: Release |
FiLa10G/Mark5B | FILA10G=ON | Generate a jive5ab that can only record Mark5B data from FiLa10G/RDBE from the UDPs protocol |
SSE Version | SSE=[20|41] | Override automatic 'Streaming SIMD Extensions' version detection (for the assembly code). |
StreamStor SDK | SSAPI_ROOT=path|nossapi | If not given, searches /usr, /usr/local/src/streamstor, /home/streamstor/Sdk for libssapi.a . Otherwise searches path. If no StreamStor hardware present (FlexBuff, Mark6) or desired (Mark5*) then you must now explicitly pass SSAPI_ROOT=nossapi |
WDAPIVER=XXXX | The StreamStor SDK library version to link with. If not given the system will determine the value itself from whatever is found under SSAPI_ROOT . If no files are found that's an error. If more than one are found then WDAPIVER=XXXX must be given to select which one is to be used |
Install location | CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path | The compiled binary will be installed as ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/jive5ab-${VERSION}-[32|64]bit-${BUILD_TYPE}[-FiLa10G], depending on the configuration details |
Compiler selection | CMAKE_C_COMPILER=[/path/to/]C-compiler | Select the C-compiler to use |
CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=[/path/to/]C++-compiler | Select the C++-compiler to use | |
e-transfer | ETRANSFER_ROOT=path |
path is a checkout/clone of source code (it does not have to be built!). When this option is present, jive5ab will be compiled with support for direct transmission to an e-transfer daemon. This changes the requirement for the C++ compiler to support C++11. path will be compiled into jive5ab 's version string to enable auto detection of this capability. |
C++11 support (available from 3.1.0 ) |
C++11=ON | Force explicit compilation with C++11 standard enabled (default: -ansi, and alias for -std=c++98). Note: use of c++11 is implied when e-transfer support is enabled |
Note that the B2B=XX
option has disappeared. It is still possible to force a 32-bit build on a bi-arch system, although the procedure is slightly more involved. Execute the cmake
configuration step like this:
$> CFLAGS=-m32 CXXFLAGS=-m32 LDFLAGS=-m32 cmake [options] /path/to/jive5ab
For very old systems, cmake 2.8.9 (or better .13) can be downloaded and built on the system (the author has good experiences with building cmake 2.8.9 on Debian Wheezy).
Please see this URL for downloading the source code of 2.8.* cmake
Non-tabular explanation of cmake
command-line options, preformatted ASCII
Substitute 'Release' or 'Debug' for <Type> (without quotes).
Default: Release
* Default search path: /usr /usr/local/src/streamstor /home/streamstor/Sdk
Override with:
if no streamstor present or required
request linking agains specific libwdapiXXXX. Default is to let
the code figure it out by itself.
Install location:
jive5ab will end up as
depending on how the build was configured
Force 32-bit build:
Call cmake as follows:
$> CFLAGS=-m32 CXXFLAGS=-m32 cmake -DCMAKE_ASM_FLAGS=-m32 [options] /path/to/src/jive5ab
The weird placement of the -DCMAKE_ASM_FLAGS=-m32 is because cmake does
not seem to honour the following construction:
$> CFLAGS=-m32 CXXFLAGS=-m32 ASFLAGS=-m32 cmake [options] /path/to/src/jive5ab
nor this one:
$> CFLAGS=-m32 CXXFLAGS=-m32 CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS=-m32 cmake [options] /path/to/src/jive5ab
(in this case the CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS gets re-initialized to empty in stead of being propagated).
Thanks guys!
has always been part of the jive5ab source tree but was released on a separate release cycle compared to jive5ab
. Now that everything is under git
, this is becoming more difficult - especially since git
does not easily allow incorporating the $Id:$
automatically-expanding-to-current-version string in source files.
To enable 'releasing' m5copy on a different time scale can be done using git tag
s. The m5copy
version will now be manually inserted into the script in stead of letting the version control system do it. The tree will be tagged at appropriate times according to the format m5copy-vX.YY
The following procedure is not without risks, though
Using git
, it is then possible to extract only that specific version of scripts/m5copy
as indicated below. After that, the specific m5copy can be copied to a different location. Note that m5copy
is part of the 'install' target of the whole jive5ab
target. Therefore, care must be taken if and from which version make install
is executed since it may inadvertently overwrite either m5copy
or jive5ab
Make sure the repository is up to date:
# fresh clone
$> mkdir /path/to/src && cd /path/to/src
$> git clone
$> cd jive5ab
# or update a previously cloned repo
$> cd /path/to/cloned-jive5ab
$> git pull
This should give access to the desired m5copy-vX.YY tagged m5copy
like so:
$> git checkout m5copy-vX.YY scripts/m5copy
It should be realized that a git checkout m5copy-vX.YY
on top of a currently active branch will add local modifications to scripts/m5copy
. If this is undesired, perform a git clone
+ git checkout m5copy-X.YY
in a temporary area, extract the correct m5copy
and delete the temporary area afterwards. If unsure what this means do not hesitate to contact the author.
It is possible to undo the effects of an erroneous git checkout m5copy-vX.YY
as follows:
$> git checkout <original branch name> scripts/m5copy
It is true that this is not at all a proper solution but at this point (Apr 2020) no immediately better solution comes to mind. Open for suggestions.
On jive5ab's
github there is a list of currently defined tags, some eyeball-filtering should quickly identify individual m5copy