DR license is the license that licensors enable to grant license for others to make doujin/derivative works without expertise of law. The biggest difference from Creative Commons are:
- DO NOT ALLOW copy licensor's works. licensees should create new works.
- limited time and region. Licensors can dedicate where and when licensees can make derivative/doujin works.
DR is:
- Copyleft
- Free to use
- Enhanse people to make derivative/doujin works
DR is NOT:
- Profit Organization
- forcing unlimited terms
- forcing unlimited region
A lot of creative works don't have a license. It's inefficient because licensee should request permission every time they want to use it. It may be difficult to find licensors, if they're found, they don't want to negotiate because artists don't prefer such a non-creative stuff, and they're too poor to hire good agent.
We already have Creative Commons and Doujin Mark(Japanese), but it's not well-custormised for business.
Of course, we know how to earn money with copyleft license. Needless to say Linux. In recent years, Github become bigger and bigger because of Git; Git's lincenses are GPL and LGPL. If you're programmer, you use codes and libraries licensed MIT like you breath.
But it's hard to imitate this way in creative industry. They sell works itself, not any other services. So, if they publish their works for free, they can't gain anything; if any, respects as best.
Of course there are not a few exceptions. Actually Japanese anime is almost free(Officially it's illegal, it's easy to find anime broadcasting website with great Google search engine). Nevertheless, they earn moderate money. If the anime get famous because of free-illegal-broadcasting, derivative products(anime goods, manga, and so on) are also sold well. And they can grant character's license to other companies with charge. What we call license business; anime works as advertising.
But their are the problem. First, licensor have to have facility and organization to make producsts and managing license. Most artists and small companies can't afford to own/buy them. Secondary, Japanese anime industry is actually shrinking; totally losing is more than gaining; not sustainable. These are why other industries don't imitate this model.
Of course, some organizations try to make solution. I surveyed most of them, only to understand they're out of style; they're proprietary. Who is willing to submit to specified organization?
In conclusion, just to publish creative works for free is not good way to survive, but there's no good other way to make works famous without huge advertising cost. Considering to these circumstances, I want to provide one of a best solution with DR(Doujin Required / Derivation Required) license:
- How can we enhanse people to make derivative/doujin works?
- How can we commercialize works without much cost?
- How can we earn proper money from licensee?
- Human-readable license. I'm going to make deeds like Creative Commons do.
- Mashine-readable license. The license is written as XML and JSON. It helpes developer to implement automatic loyalty payment system.
- Designated location and term. Licensor can designated where and when licensee can make derivative works.
License text is written as JSON format. The JSON is enclosed by tag. You can set any attribute to . It's recommended to add style="display:none;"
in order not to display it on browser view.
<drequired style="display:none;">
"license": {
"version": "1.0.0",
/* license description below
Accessing that page by http and read text inside , you can get license information by JSON format.
Licensors can designated the term of validity. The term is written as the datetime format "yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm". If the term is not designated, it's regarded as indefinite term.
Grant license from 1999-12-31 23:59 to 2000-01-30 23:59.
<drequired style="display:none;">
"license": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"website": "http://zunko.jp/",
"term": {
"from": "1999-12-31T23:59",
"to": "2000-01-30T23:59"
Licensors can designated the location of validity(region). The region is written as URL. If the region is not designated, it's regarded as any URL.
- If type parameter's value is "map", it means location of validity is the spot which the map URL designated.
- "https://www.google.co.jp/maps/place/Tokyo+Big+Sight/@35.6298243,139.7920476,17z/data=!3m2!4b1!5s0x601889dc3beb6fed:0xb6c29ca3bd43e108!4m5!3m4!1s0x601889dc629d1e7b:0xa4d1509a76045a01!8m2!3d35.62982!4d139.7942416" means "designate the Tokyo Big Sight(the spot name in real world)".
- If type parameter's value is "url", it means any web resource refererd by that URL and the URLs including that URL.
- "http://jiyu.lol/blog/" means "designate the URL http://jiyu.lol/blog/* (* means any words or nothing)"
Grant license at the any URL including "http://jiyu.lol/blog/".
<drequired style="display:none;">
"license": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"website": "http://zunko.jp/",
"region": {
"type": "url",
"where": "http://jiyu.lol/blog"
Grant license in Tokyo Big Sight and URL including http://jiyu.lol/blog/ .
<drequired style="display:none;">
"license": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"website": "http://zunko.jp/",
"region": [
"type": "map",
"where": "https://www.google.co.jp/maps/place/Tokyo+Big+Sight/@35.6298243,139.7920476,17z/data=!3m2!4b1!5s0x601889dc3beb6fed:0xb6c29ca3bd43e108!4m5!3m4!1s0x601889dc629d1e7b:0xa4d1509a76045a01!8m2!3d35.62982!4d139.7942416"
"type": "url",
"where": "http://jiyu.lol/blog/"
DR is mainly for commercial use, but sometime the licensor wants to grant non-commercial use. If licensors don't set this parameter, it's regarded as allowing commercial use.
Grant license as long as it's non-commercial use.
<drequired style="display:none;">
"license": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"website": "http://zunko.jp/",
"commercial": false
Licensors can choose if licensees can create Adults Only(AO) Contents or not. If licensors don't set this parameter, it's regarded as allowing Adults Only Contents.
Grant license as long as it's non-AO contents.
<drequired style="display:none;">
"license": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"website": "http://zunko.jp/",
"adult": false
Licensors set fee of using works. They can set percentage of gross revenue or fixed price. Licensors should clarify the URL which people can understand how to pay. Licensees are charged when they sell their derivative/doujin works for profit. If they provide it for free , licensees don't have to pay any fee to original author. If licensors don't set this parameter, it's regarded as free.
Grant license for 1000JPY(Japanese Yen).
<drequired style="display:none;">
"license": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"website": "http://zunko.jp/",
"fee": {
"description": "http://zunko.jp/con_shoushi.html",
"currency": "JPY",
"price": 1000
Grant license for 10% of gross revenue.
<drequired style="display:none;">
"license": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"type": "dr",
"website": "http://zunko.jp/",
"fee": {
"description": "http://zunko.jp/con_shoushi.html",
"price": "10%"
Now, you've learnt all parameters of DR. Let's make your own license. Under Maintenance
For example:
- URL of websiteal Work: http://zunko.jp/
- Term: from 2017-08-11 10:00 to 2017-08-11 16:00
- Region: URL including http://www.deviantart.com/
- Commercial: OK
- Fee: 10% of gross revenue
- Description of how to pay: http://zunko.jp/con_shoushi.html
<drequired style="display:none;">
"license": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"website": "http://zunko.jp/",
"term": {
"from": "2017-08-11T10:00",
"to": "2017-08-11T16:00"
"region": [
"type": "url",
"url": "http://www.deviantart.com/"
"commercial": true,
"fee": {
"description": "http://zunko.jp/con_shoushi.html",
"price": "10%"
Licensees can assert their right by displaying JSON below.
- URL of original works
- If it's derivative/doujin work of multiple works licensed by DR, you should write all of them down
- You should pay all original authors.
- If it's derivative/doujin work of multiple works licensed by DR, you should write all of them down
- URL of your derivative/doujin work
<drequired style="display:none;">
"work": {
"origin": [
"website": "https://twitter.com/t_zunko"
You can apply DR license to your work derived by other works licensed by DR.
- URL of original work: http://zunko.jp/
- URL of your derivative/doujin work
- Term: From 2017-08-11 10:00 to 2017-08-11 16:00
- Region: URL including http://www.deviantart.com/
- Commercial: OK
- Fee: 10% of gross revenue
- Description of how to pay: http://zunko.jp/con_shoushi.html
<drequired style="display:none;">
"work": {
"origin": [
"website": "https://twitter.com/t_zunko"
"license": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"website": "https://twitter.com/t_zunko",
"term": {
"from": "2017-08-11T10:00",
"to": "2017-08-11T16:00"
"region": [
"type": "url",
"url": "http://www.deviantart.com/"
"commercial": true,
"fee": {
"description": "http://zunko.jp/con_shoushi.html",
"price": "10%"
People who make derivative/doujin work(third work) of your work(second work) should set origin value following this rule:
- If it's derivative/doujin works of both original work(first work) and derivative/doujin work(second work), set work.website and work.origin to origin
- If it's derivative/doujin works of only derivative/doujin work(second work), not including any material of original work(first work), set work.website to origin
For example, third work published http://jiyu.lol/. It's derivative/doujin work of both original work(first work) and derivative/doujin work(second work).
<drequired style="display:none;">
"work": {
"origin": [
"website": "http://jiyu.lol/"
This text is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, and the source codes bundled in this project are licensed under the MIT license.
Author: jiyu
1.0.1 (2017-05-11)