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detecting cells based on multi channel fluorescence images using tensorflow object detection module

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detection_pipeline is a tool for cell detection in large biomedical images with nuclei stained biomarker.

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Our goal is to perform large scale cell detection in an accurate and rubost manner.

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1. Protobuf:

Download executable from here and run the following command from lib directory:

protoc object_detection/protos/*.proto --python_out=.

(for Windows):

# From Protoc*/bin

(for Linux and Mac):

# From Protoc*/bin
export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`

2. TensorFlow:

Follow the instructions from here.

3. Pycocotools

(for Linux and Mac):

  1. Make sure you have gcc > 6.x.
  2. git clone
  3. cd coco/PythonAPI
  4. make
  5. find your site-packages folder for your python and copy pycocotools folder there:
    • which python: ~/.conda/envs/tf/bin/python
    • cp -r pycocotools ~/.conda/envs/tf/lib/python3.6/site-packages

(for Windows):

pip install "git+"

3. Install required libraries:

pip install -r requirments.txt


1. Crop large images:

Deep learning needs lots of samples (images in our case) to learn the assigned task. Moreover, fitting large images in the GPU memory is a challenging task. To overcome these issues, we have to create small crops from the large image.

In, change to write_crops mode. and specify the necessary parameters in # write_crops section.

This mode reads your large image in input_dir directory and creates small crops with size crop_width and crop_height and saves crops and xml files in imgs and xmls folders in save_dir folder.

Alt text

  • You can use visualize if you want to see the first "n" crops to make sure everything is right.

    Alt text

  • You can adjust the intensity of the image for visualization using adjust_image.


    • It will also create a new folder with intensity adjusted crops as adjusted_hist.


2. (optional) Fix bounding boxes using LabelImg

If you generated the bounding boxes using automatic segmentation, it is suggested to use LabelImg software to correct the bounding boxes.


After you updated the bounding boxes, you can update the existing bbxs.txt with the new bounding boxes.

In, change to update_xmls mode. and specify the necessary parameters in # update_xml section.

This will update your bbxs_file specified in You can use this file to generate the tfrecord file.

3. Generate tfrecord file from xmls and imgs

After you created the crop images and corresponding xml files, you can generated the tfrecord file. tfrecord file is the input to your network.

python --input_dir=data/train --output_path=data/train/train.record

Create a label map for mapping classes to unique IDs. Create a nucleus_map.pbtxt file inside data folder and add following lines:

item {
name: "Nucleus"
id: 1
display_name: "Nucleus"

4. Train:

  1. Download your pretrained model from here and save it in folder models .

  2. Inside the models folder copy the .config file from lib/object_detection/samples/configs/. For example faster_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_atrous_coco.config file.

edit the following lines:

num_classes: 1

image_resizer {
   fixed_shape_resizer {
     width: 300
     height: 300

second_stage_post_processing {
  batch_non_max_suppression {
    score_threshold: 0.0
    iou_threshold: 0.6
    max_detections_per_class: 300
    max_total_detections: 300

fine_tune_checkpoint: pretrained_models/faster_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_atrous_coco_2018_01_28

input_path: "data/train.record"
label_map_path: "data/nucleus_map.pbtxt"

eval_config: {
  num_examples: 8000
  # Note: The below line limits the evaluation process to 10 evaluations.
  # Remove the below line to evaluate indefinitely.
  max_evals: 10
eval_input_reader: {
  tf_record_input_reader {
  input_path: "data/train.record"
label_map_path: "data/nucleus_map.pbtxt"
shuffle: false
num_readers: 1

Now you can train your model by switching to train mode in Don't forget to specify the correct path to the directory you want to save your model in model_dir and the path of your pipeline_config_file in pipeline_config_path.

5. Export Inference Graph:

After the training is done, you have to validate and test your network.export_inference_graph freezes your model for testing. Since we are using convolutional neural network, we can test larger images. So, we can create a new config file and change the size of the input image:

image_resizer {
   fixed_shape_resizer {
     width: 500
     height: 500

NOTE: Remember to make sure the max_proposals fits to your image size


Now we can freeze the model with new configuration.

python --ipnut_type=image_tensor --pipeline_config_path=training/test.config --trained_checkpoint_prefix=training/model.ckpt-20000 --output_directory=freezed_model

NOTE: Make sure you have all 3 .index,.meta and .data files for that checkpoint.

6. Visualization Test:

  1. Create test_image folder and put some sample images.
  2. run test.ipynb in jupyter notebook.

7. Detect cells in large images:

After you are done with training and you checked your network works well, you can run the network on large images. Switch to test mode in and specify desired parameters.

If you do not have the trained models, download them from here.

python \
--mode=test \
--pipeline_config_path=models/dapi/pipeline_config.config \
--trained_checkpoint=models/dapi/model.ckpt \
--input_dir=/path/to/folder/containing/images \
--output_dir=/path/to/folder/saving/detection_Results \
--channel=1 \

Probable Errors:

  1. If you faced this error:
ImportError: No module named 'object_detection'

Add object_detection and slim folders to PYTHONPATH.

  • (for Windows):

    # From tensorflow/models/research/
    SET PYTHONPATH=%cd%;%cd%\slim
  • (for Linux and Mac):

    # From tensorflow/models/research/
    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:`pwd`:`pwd`/slim
  1. If your TensorFlow version is < 1.5 you might have issues with object detection module. Go to commit 196d173 which is compatible with tf 1.4.1:
# from tensorflow/models
git checkout 196d173
  1. If your TensorFlow version is > 1.5 you might have compatibility issue with python3.x. If you faced the following error:
ValueError: Tried to convert 't' to a tensor and failed. Error: Argument must be a dense tensor: range(0, 3) - got shape [3], but wanted [].

In lib/object_detection/utils/ lines 167-169, Wrap list() around the range() like this:

rate_index = tf.reduce_max(tf.where(tf.greater_equal(global_step, boundaries),
                                      [0] * num_boundaries))
  1. If stuck with INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 0 you might have some issues with the .record data file. Double check your input data file.

  2. If stuck with Dst tensor is not initialized your GPU memory is full. Try nvidia-smi to monitor your GPU usage and try kill #process_id to kill the process that uses the memory.

  3. Error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pycocotools'

    Solution: Go to installation section 3.


detecting cells based on multi channel fluorescence images using tensorflow object detection module






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