Version 2.2
Implementation of the Hybrid Fictitious Domain-Immersed Boundary (HFDIB) coupled with the Discrete Element Method (DEM) by
Martin Isoz ( Martin Kotouč Šourek ( Ondřej Studeník ( and Petr Kočí (
Initial HFDIB implementation spans from
by Federico Municchi
however, the code was completely rewritten.
The DEM implementation for arbitrarily shaped solids into OpenFOAM is original.
simulation settings is defined in HFDIBDEMdict (see DOCUMENTATION)
simulations with either spherical or STL-defined particles (see HFDIBDEM/geomModels)
simulations of two-phase (solid-fluid) flow (see pimpleHFDIBFoam)
simulations of solid phase in standard DEM mode (see HFDIBDEMFoam)
adaptive mesh refinement based on the particles position
spring-dashpot contact model based on particle elastic modulus and a damping constant (see HFDIBDEM/contactModels)
extension to contact model for inclusion of adhesive forces
multiple solid phase initialization options such as random spatial distribution of uniformly sized bodies (see HFDIBDEM/addModels)
instructive tutorials for a single particle falling through a fluid and for interaction between a particle and a complex-shaped impeller (see Tutorials)
The code is prepared for compilation with OpenFOAMv8 (
Note: the scripts have to be ran from terminals with sourced OpenFOAMv8
- -> compiles openHFDIB-DEM and pimpleHFDIBDEM solver
- -> compiles openHFDIB-DEM library only
- -> compiles pimpleHFDIBDEM solver only (!! requires the library to be compiled !!)
Isoz, M.; Šourek, M.; Studeník, O.; Kočí, P.: Hybrid fictitious domain-immersed boundary solver coupled with discrete element method for simulations of flows laden with arbitrarily-shaped particles. Submitted to Computers & Fluids, 2021.