HtmlDialog is an Android library that simplifies the display of HTML in a DialogFragment. It is useful for displaying Open Source Licenses, EULAs, Terms of Service pages, etc. Tested on Android 4.0+.
To add this library to your project, add the following to your builde.gradle
dependencies {
compile project(':htmlDialog')
(See SampleActivity for a more complete example)
new HtmlDialog.Builder(getFragmentManager())
To set the resource Id of your HTML file:
This is required. Pass in the resource Id of an HTML file that resides /res/raw/ in your main project. In the above example, R.raw.licenses
refers to /res/raw/licenses.html in the main project.
To set the title of the dialog:
By default, the dialog will have no title.
To show a negative button at the bottom of the dialog:
By default, no negative button is shown.
To specify the negative button text:
Make sure to call this if you are showing the negative button.
To show a positive button at the bottom of the dialog:
By default, no positive button is shown.
To specify the positive button text:
Make sure to call this if you are showing the positive button.
To force the user to click a button:
This is useful if you are displaying a license agreement.
To specify a listener:
.setListener(new HtmlDialogListener() {
public void onNegativeButtonPressed()
public void onPositiveButtonPressed()
public void onDialogCancel()
// This override is optional.
// Called when the user presses the Back button
// or touches outside the dialog.
Contributions are welcome. Please open up an issue in GitHub or submit a PR.
- Update build.gradle
- Changed to Android Studio / Gradle project
- removed setShowCloseButton() and setCloseButtonText()
- added setShowNegativeButton(), setNegativeButtonText()
- added setShowPositiveButton(), setPositiveButtonText()
- added setCancelable()
- added setListener()
- updated SampleActivity
- First release
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
This project is based off of Adam Speakman's AndroidLicensesPage.