Book Baller is a simple yet powerful reading tracker web app that allows users to keep track of what they are reading.
My goal with this project is to not only create a full-fledged app using the MERN stack but to also learn:
- Deployment and hosting
- Testing (unit testing, end-to-end testing, possibly integration testing)
- More in depth SASS usage
- NodeJS
- Express
- MongoDB, Mongoose
- Basic auth using JWTs and bcrypt for password hashing.
- Vite
- React
- React Router
The app will use an API to search for book data. Either the Google Books API or I'll take a closer look at the Open Library API to see if they have the data I'll need.
- Backend: Initial server setup
- Backend: Create routes
- Backend: Start hashing out the backend api endpoints
- Database: Figure out how to run MondoDB
- Database: Design the schemas for the various collections
- Frontend: Do some UI mockups and brainstorming
- Frontend: Style the book cards better + new footer
- Frontend: Add loading indicators to things
- Mobile css
- Host: Host on and do the stuff