Embedded Nats and Nats Streaming server for integration tests. Tested with Windows, Mac OSX and Linux
Add the following dependency to project
For Maven:
For Gradle(Groovy Style):
testCompile group: 'np.com.madanpokharel.embed', name: 'nats-embedded', version: '2.1.0'
For Gradle
For Bazel
name = "nats-embedded",
artifact = "np.com.madanpokharel.embed:nats-embedded:2.1.0",
sha1 = "0235584434668a4dfbb9b7a0211cf3c9642e99bd",
Start nats server with defined port 7656.
EmbeddedNatsConfig config = new EmbeddedNatsConfig.Builder()
new NatsServerConfig.Builder()
.withServerType(ServerType.NATS) //Can be omitted, default is Nats
EmbeddedNatsServer natsServer = new EmbeddedNatsServer(config);
//start the server
//get running port
//stop the server
Start with default settings. This will download latest version and start server on random port.
EmbeddedNatsConfig config = EmbeddedNatsConfig.defaultNatsServerConfig();
EmbeddedNatsServer natsServer = new EmbeddedNatsServer(config);
//get running port
Start with custom config params
EmbeddedNatsConfig config = new EmbeddedNatsConfig.Builder()
new NatsServerConfig.Builder()
.withConfigParam("--store","FILE") //custom config parameter
.withConfigParam("--dir","target/nats") //custom config parameter
EmbeddedNatsServer natsStreamingServer = new EmbeddedNatsServer(config);
Customizing the download location and extraction path
EmbeddedNatsConfig config = new EmbeddedNatsConfig.Builder()
new NatsServerConfig.Builder()
.withArtifactStorePath(".custom-download-dir") //custom download location
.withExtractDirectory(".custom-extract-dir") // custom location for extraction of zip file
Example of Nats server with full configurations
EmbeddedNatsConfig config = new EmbeddedNatsConfig.Builder()
.withNatsServerConfig( //configuration for nats server configuration
new NatsServerConfig.Builder()
.withServerType(ServerType.NATS) // server type either nats or nats streaming
.withPort(2345) // port to run. can withRandomPort() if want to run on random port
.withNatsVersion(NatsVersion.V2_1_0) // version to use
.withHost("") // host ip
.withConfigParam("--store","FILE") // single config parameter
.withConfigParams(Collections.singletonMap("--dir","target/nats")) // map of config parameters
.withArtifactStorePath(".custom-download-dir") // location for saving downloaded file
.withExtractDirectory(".custom-extract-dir") // location for extracting downloaded zip file
Example of Nats Streaming server with full configurations
EmbeddedNatsConfig config = new EmbeddedNatsConfig.Builder()
.withNatsServerConfig( //configuration for nats server configuration
new NatsServerConfig.Builder()
.withServerType(ServerType.NATS_STREAMING) // server type either nats or nats streaming
.withPort(3445) // port to run. can withRandomPort() if want to run on random port
.withNatsStreamingVersion(NatsStreamingVersion.V0_16_2) // version to use
.withClusterId("clusterId") //cluster Id
.withHost("") // host ip
.withConfigParam("--store","FILE") // single config parameter
.withConfigParams(Collections.singletonMap("--dir","target/nats")) // map of config parameters
.withArtifactStorePath(".custom-download-dir") // location for saving downloaded file
.withExtractDirectory(".custom-extract-dir") // location for extracting downloaded zip file
Using custom nats configuration file
new NatsServerConfig.Builder()
Enabling JetStream
new NatsServerConfig.Builder()
.withEnableJetStream() //without store location
new NatsServerConfig.Builder()
.withEnableJetStream("target") //with store location
This library using component from flapdoodle-oss