- Adobe Firefly
- AI generated content (AIGC) by Minmin Gong
- AI Query
- AI Code Reviewer
- AnimeGAN.js
- Baidu
- Copy.ai
- CustomGPT
- DeepL
- GPTZero requires at least 250 characters
- GitHub Copilot
- Google AI
- AI Hub
- Bard
- Colab
- DreamFusion
- LaMDA, May 18, 2021
- Google Research
- Ghostwriter by Replit
- HTTPie
- Hugging Face
- Inflection
- Jenni
- Khroma
- Meta AI
- BlenderBot
- BlenderBot 3 (BB3)
- LLaMA, February 24, 2023
- Natural language generation (NLG)
- OpenAI
- ChatGPT
- ChatGPT plugins, March 23, 2023
- AI Text Classifier requires at least 1,000 characters, which is approximately 150 - 250 words
- Feedback by AI
- Detect GPT
- GPTZero
- Perplexity (PP) is a measurement of the randomness of the text
A low perplexity indicates the probability distribution is good at predicting the sample. - Burstiness is a measurement of the variation in perplexity
- Perplexity (PP) is a measurement of the randomness of the text
- AI Detector
- Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX)
- Peppertype.ai
- Posemaniacs
- Shuffle
- Snapchat
- My AI, February 27, 2023
- Stability AI
- Synthesia
- Tome
- Comparison of cross-platform instant messaging clients
- Instant messaging (IM)
- Comparison of Internet Relay Chat clients
- HexChat
- Libera Chat
- TerminalGPT
- Kepner-Tregoe (KT)
- Social network
- List of social networking services
- Comparison of software and protocols for distributed social networking
- Comparison of microblogging and similar services
- Bluesky Social
- Diaspora
- GNU social
- Mastodon
- Nostr