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Thatway is a simple, decentralized configuration manager.

Place your configuration settings throughout your application--not in a centralized file or submodule--and thatway collects them and allows you to modify them through configurations files. Decentralized configuration reduces the complexity of submodules and the coupling between submodules.


  1. Create a package with settings.


    from thatway import Setting
    class FirstClass:
        my_attribute = Setting(True, desc="Whether 'my_attribute' is an attribute")
        max_instances = Setting(3, desc="Maximum number of instances")


    from thatway import config, Setting
    config.moduleB.msg = Setting("This is my message")
  2. View settings:

    import examples.mypkg
    from thatway import config
      my_attribute: true  # Whether 'my_attribute' is an antribue
      max_instances: 3  # Maximum number of instances
      msg: This is my message
  3. Load different settings:


      my_attribute: false
      max_instances: 2

    with python:

    from pathlib import Path
    import examples.mypkg
    from thatway import config
    config.load_yaml(str(Path("examples") / "mypkg" / "new_settings.yaml"))
      my_attribute: false  # Whether 'my_attribute' is an antribue
      max_instances: 2  # Maximum number of instances
      msg: This is my message


The following are design decisions on the behavior of thatway's configuration manager.

  1. Configure directly

    Settings can be set directly on the config object.

    >>> from thatway import config, Setting
    >>> config.a = Setting(3)
    >>> config.a
    >>> config.nested.b = Setting("nested")
    >>> config.nested.b

    Trying to set an entry in the config without a setting raises an exception.

    >>> from thatway import config
    >>> config.new_value = 3
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    thatway.base.ConfigException: Only Settings can be inserted in the Config
  2. Configure object attributes

    Settings can be set as object attributes.

    >>> from thatway import Setting
    >>> class Obj:
    ...     attribute = Setting("my value")
    >>> obj = Obj()
    >>> obj.attribute
    'my value'
  3. Configuration locking

    Settings cannot be accidentally modified. Once they're set, they're set until the config's update or load methods are used.

    >>> from thatway import Setting
    >>> config.b = Setting(3)
    >>> config.b
    >>> config.b = Setting(5)  # oops!
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    thatway.base.ConfigException: Entry 'b' already in the Config--use a Config.update or load method to change its value.
    >>> config.b = 5  # oops!
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    thatway.base.ConfigException: Only Settings can be inserted in the Config
    >>> config.update({'b': 5})
    >>> config.b

    The one exception is that settings defined on a class can be replaced on the class itself--not a class instance. This is because settings act as descriptors for classes.

  4. Type Enforcement

    Setting types are checked and maintained with either the setting's value type, or the allowed_types optional argument.

    >>> from thatway import Setting
    >>> config.c = Setting(5, allowed_types=(int, str))
    >>> config.update({'c': 'my new c value'})
    >>> config.c
    'my new c value'
    >>> config.d = Setting(6)
    >>> config.update({'d': 'my new d value'})
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: Could not convert 'my new d value' into any of the following types: [<class 'int'>]
  5. Missing Settings

    Trying to update a setting that doesn't exist is not possible. This behavior is designed to avoid trying to change a setting but using an incorrect setting name and location.

    >>> from thatway import Setting
    >>> config.update({'e': 'unassigned'})  # 'f' doesn't exist in config
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    KeyError: "Tried assigning setting with name 'e' which does not exist in the Config"
  6. Immutable Settings Values

    Setting values can only be immutable objects.

    >>> from thatway import Setting
    >>> config.cli.color = Setting(True)
    >>> config.cli.default_filenames = Setting(('a.html', 'b.html'))
    >>> config.cli.value_list = Setting([1, 2])  # lists are mutable
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    thatway.base.ConfigException: Setting value '[1, 2]' must be immutable


  1. Setting descriptions

    Settings can include descriptions.

    >>> from thatway import Setting
    >>> config.e = Setting(4, desc="The 'e' attribute")
  2. Yaml processing. Settings can be dumped in yaml with config.dumps_yaml().

      a: 1
    b: name  # The 'b' setting
      c: true

    And yaml strings or files can be loaded with config.loads_yaml(string) and config.load_yaml(filepath), respectively.

  3. Toml processing

    Settings can be dumped in toml with config.dumps_toml().

      a = 1
    b = "name"  # The 'b' setting
      c = true

    And toml strings or files can be loaded with config.loads_toml(string) and config.load_toml(filepath), respectively.