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Jing Mi edited this page Aug 10, 2023 · 6 revisions

emp3r0r utilizes tmux to provide terminal user interface, it's important to know some key bindings

Key Binding Description
C-x + - Split vertically
C-x + _ Split horizontally
C-x + x Kill current pane
C-x + c New tab
C-x + [1,2,3...] Switch to tab that's indexed as [1, 2, 3]
C-x + , Rename tab
C-x + $ Rename session
C-x + q Show pane index numbers, press number key to switch
C-x + z Maximize pane, use this feature when pane is too small to use
C-x + Enter Enter "copy mode", press Ctrl + s to search

You can edit .tmux.conf to customize your experience.

Execute tmux kill-session -t emp3r0r to kill C2 server if something goes wrong, this command will clean up all tmux panes/windows.

In tmux, if you want to select/copy something just hold Shift key and use your mouse. Sometimes you may need to zoom in to copy the whole line, use C-x + z to do that.

If you want to scroll up and down, normally you can just use your mouse. When mouse doesn't work with your terminal, you need to press Ctrl + x and then Enter, now arrows keys should work.

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