Test Automation for the ecommerce application This project contains automation tests written in Java using Selenium WebDriver and TestNG for an dummy ecommerce website. The purpose of these tests is to improve your test automation skills and demonstrate how to automate different scenarios on the website.
|-- README.md • The src directory contains the main source code and test code. • The src/main/java directory is where you can place any utility classes framework or page object model classes. • The src/test/java directory contains the test classes where you'll write your test cases. • The src/test/resources directory is where you can store any test-specific resources, such as test data files or configuration files. • The src/test/resources/testng.xml file is the TestNG configuration file where you can configure your test suites, test groups, and other settings. • The .gitignore file specifies which files and directories should be ignored by Git version control. Prerequisites To run the automation tests in this project, you'll need to have the following software installed on your machine: • Java Development Kit (JDK) 10 or higher • Apache Maven • Selenium WebDriver • TestNG Running the Tests Follow these steps to run the automation tests: • Clone the repository to your local machine: $ git clone • Navigate to the project directory: $ cd project-directory • Build the project using Maven: $ mvn clean install • Execute the tests using the TestNG runner: $ mvn test ##Writing Test Cases To create new test cases or modify existing ones, follow these guidelines: • Create a new Java class under src/test/java/ or add your test cases to an existing class. • Use the TestNG annotations (@Test, @BeforeMethod, @AfterMethod, etc.) to define your test methods and set up/tear down steps. • Leverage Selenium WebDriver API to interact with the web elements on the website under test. • Implement assertions to verify the expected outcomes of your test cases. Continuous Integration You can integrate this project with any Continuous Integration (CI) tool of your choice, such as Jenkins or Travis CI. Set up a CI pipeline to automatically build and execute the tests on each commit or at specific intervals. Contributing Contributions to this test automation project are welcome. If you find any bugs, issues, or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.