Releases: jmpsec/osctrl
Releases · jmpsec/osctrl
🔖 Release 0.4.3
What's New
- Forgotten osquery 5.12.1 by @javuto in #581
- Deploy dev with
and fix for logger by @javuto in #582 - Support for osquery 5.15.0 by @javuto in #583
- Ability to add a single flag for osquery by @javuto in #584
- Adding new osquery option to configuration in
by @javuto in #585 - Prevent nil pointer when loading any JSON configuration by @javuto in #586
- Handle GET/POST if for SAML routes by @javuto in #587
- Avoid datatables errors with platform field by @javuto in #588
- Show AJAX error in the browser console by @javuto in #589
- Dependencies bump after changes by @javuto in #590
- Prevent empty page due to error with tags by @javuto in #591
- Prevent abuse of
public endpoints by @javuto in #592 - Adding types to tags by @javuto in #593
- Adding tag operations in osctrl-api by @javuto in #594
- Using tag operations with
by @javuto in #595 - Decorating tags with environment name via
by @javuto in #596 - Updating OpenAPI YAML file with latest changes in
by @javuto in #597 - Dependencies bump after changes by @javuto in #598
- Merge osctrl mod files into a single mod files by @zhuoyuan-liu in #599
- Refactor osctrl package by @zhuoyuan-liu in #600
- Complete the refactor to have single
file by @javuto in #602 - Remove alias in
to avoid conflict by @javuto in #603 - Prepare for release 0.4.3 and update dependencies by @javuto in #604
Full Changelog: v0.4.2...v0.4.3
🔖 Release 0.4.2
What's New
- Dependencies bump after release by @javuto in #557
- Remove old Ingested metrics by @zhuoyuan-liu in #559
- Improvements to elastic logger for osctrl-tls by @javuto in #560
- Different default logger file for osctrl-admin by @javuto in #561
- Better info messages starting osctrl-api by @javuto in #563
- Dependencies bump including jwt library by @javuto in #564
- Different default logger JSON in osctrl-tls and small change to startup messages by @javuto in #565
- Support for osquery 5.14.1 by @javuto in #566
- Fixes for pkg builder script by @javuto in #568
- Cleanup code in cache for logs by @javuto in #569
- Specify expiration for tokens in osctrl-admin and osctrl-api by @javuto in #570
- Bump from 0.28.0 to 0.31.0 in /users in the go_modules group across 1 directory by @dependabot in #571
- Refactor distributed query by @zhuoyuan-liu in #558
- Dependencies bump to prevent build errors by @javuto in #573
- Bump from 0.21.0 to 0.31.0 in /metrics in the go_modules group across 1 directory by @dependabot in #574
- Update to x/crypto to mitigate CVE-2024-45337 by @javuto in #575
- Add log level and format configuration options for services by @zhuoyuan-liu in #567
- Fix to prevent queries not completing by @javuto in #578
- Second step for refactor distributed query by @zhuoyuan-liu in #576
- Dependencies bump before release by @javuto in #579
- Preparing release 0.4.2 by @javuto in #580
Full Changelog: v0.4.1...v0.4.2
🔖 Release 0.4.1
What's New
- Keeping bruno files up to date to osctrl-api definition by @javuto in #525
- Adding flag to utilize the SSL support for the backend connection by @javuto in #526
- Add kafka backend (#1) by @saryani in #527
- Support for osquery 5.13.1 by @javuto in #528
- Add prometheus metrics to osctrl-tls by @zhuoyuan-liu in #522
- Cleanup and dependencies bump by @javuto in #532
- Cleanup of files and dependencies by @javuto in #533
- Check for postgres user and database before creating by @javuto in #535
- Distributed queries and carves do expire by @javuto in #536
- SQL query shown in query list by @javuto in #537
- Update username and other metadata from decorators by @javuto in #538
- Modal in osctrl-admin to add a new query to schedule by @javuto in #539
- Avoid replacing metadata values with the string mismatched by @javuto in #540
- Fix for metadata updates done wrong on mismatch by @javuto in #541
- Avoid spamming logs with unnecessary log entries for metadata mismatch by @javuto in #542
- Run queries and carves via osctrl-api with expiration by @javuto in #543
- Run queries and carves with expiration using osctrl-cli by @javuto in #544
- Delete and expire carves and queries via osctrl-api by @javuto in #545
- Using osctrl-api by osctrl-cli for expire/delete queries and carves by @javuto in #551
- Fix for osctrl-api context type mismatch by @zhuoyuan-liu in #550
- Elastic logger for osctrl-tls by @javuto in #552
- Dependencies update to prepare for release by @javuto in #553
- Add metrics for size of ingested data by @zhuoyuan-liu in #548
- Multiple changes to osctrl-api: Crash fix, show carve queries and better targets to list queries by @javuto in #554
- Dependencies after go mod tidy by @javuto in #555
- Preparing release 0.4.1 by @javuto in #556
New Contributors
- @saryani made their first contribution in #527
- @zhuoyuan-liu made their first contribution in #522
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.4.1
🔖 Release 0.4.0
What's New
- Using RegisteredClaims in JWT to avoid deprecated code by @javuto in #503
- Refactor of osctrl-api to better handler management by @javuto in #507
- Update to OpenAPI yaml to reflect the osctrl-api refactor by @javuto in #508
- Refactor of osctrl-tls to organize handlers better by @javuto in #509
- Using only UUID to identify environment in osctrl-tls by @javuto in #510
- Better HTTP responses in osctrl-tls by @javuto in #511
- Get rid of warning when building docker dev environment by @javuto in #512
- Using only UUID to identify environment in osctrl-api by @javuto in #513
- Migrating native log to zerolog in osctrl-tls by @javuto in #514
- Migrating native log to zerolog in osctrl-api by @javuto in #516
- Migrating native log to zerolog in osctrl-admin by @javuto in #517
- Migrating native log to zerolog in osctrl-cli and other packages by @javuto in #518
- Migrating native log to zerolog in all remaining packages by @javuto in #519
- Dependencies update to prepare release by @javuto in #520
- Preparing release 0.4.0 by @javuto in #521
Full Changelog: v0.3.9...v0.4.0
🔖 Release 0.3.9
What's New
- Bump golang version to 1.23.0 by @javuto in #486
- Migration from gorilla mux to the native mux in osctrl-admin by @javuto in #487
- Keep path variable name consistent in osctrl-admin by @javuto in #488
- Fix to prevent nil DBLogger in osctrl-admin by @javuto in #489
- Migrating gorilla mux to native mux for osctrl-tls by @javuto in #490
- Migrating gorilla mux to native mux for osctrl-api by @javuto in #491
- Perform actions to enroll-remove nodes in osctrl-api by @javuto in #492
- Enroll actions in cli using the API by @javuto in #494
- Default connector for osctrl-cli is API and some fixes by @javuto in #496
- Bump actions/download-artifact from 4.1.2 to 4.1.7 in /.github/workflows in the github_actions group across 1 directory by @dependabot in #495
- Dependencies update to prepare release by @javuto in #497
- Adding command to Makefile to cleanup osctrl docker images by @javuto in #498
- Adding commands to extend/expire/rotate enroll and remove URLs by @javuto in #500
- Update OpenAPI yaml with the enroll/remove actions endpoints by @javuto in #501
- Preparing release 0.3.9 by @javuto in #502
Full Changelog: v0.3.8...v0.3.9
🔖 Release 0.3.8
What's New
- Logger for docker environment is set to db by @javuto in #454
- Display last 100 entries for status and result logs by @javuto in #455
- Using session key for docker dev
by @javuto in #456 - Bump to dependencies after release by @javuto in #457
- Add missing & remove.ps1 from OSCTRL NGINX conf by @peterbogdan in #458
- Fix for enrollment one-liner using dpkg in darwin by @javuto in #460
- Changes to go.mod files and updated dependencies by @javuto in #461
- Having custom deb, rpm, pkg and msi packages to enroll nodes by @javuto in #462
- Rebuilding single services in docker environment by @javuto in #463
- Adding buttons to download secret, cert and flags by @javuto in #464
- Small changes to the enroll.html template by @javuto in #465
- Script to repack osquery DEB packages including osctrl files (flags, secret, cert) by @javuto in #467
- Script to repack osquery PKG packages including osctrl files (flags, secret, cert) by @javuto in #468
- Up-to-date OpenAPI 3.0.1 YAML for osctrl-api by @javuto in #473
- replicate logic used for admin to run queris on multiple UUIDs, Envs,… by @peterbogdan in #472
- Get enroll and remove values from API for an environment by @javuto in #475
- fix QsqueryQueryData Data type for query results api call by @peterbogdan in #474
- Setting database as default for osctrl-cli by @javuto in #476
- Oneliner for RPM linux gets osquery by architecture by @javuto in #477
- Adding tags and platforms by environment in osctrl-api by @javuto in #478
- Skip using underscore in DB JSON configuration file by @javuto in #481
- Keep templates and static directories updated by @javuto in #482
- Adding collection for the bruno API client by @javuto in #483
- Preparing release 0.3.8 by @javuto in #484
- Dependencies update before release by @javuto in #485
Full Changelog: v0.3.7...v0.3.8
🔖 Release 0.3.7
What's New
- Skip logging URL when upgrading with by @javuto in #434
- Stop logging logs to cache to avoid collapsing the service by @javuto in #435
- Install golang depending on architecture by @javuto in #437
- Deprecating default environment and adding dashboard by @javuto in #441
- Updates to docker-compose to detect .env and certificates in Makefile by @javuto in #442
- Support for osquery 5.12.1 by @javuto in #443
- Dependencies update before new release by @javuto in #444
- Cleanup for default env code by @javuto in #445
- Adding eviction policy to redis to avoid OOM issues by @javuto in #446
- Removing vagrant environment files by @javuto in #447
- More dependencies update before new release by @javuto in #448
- Missing query results and
panics by @javuto in #449 - Add support for arm64 docker builds by @peterbogdan in #450
- Small changes to docker files and air configuration by @javuto in #451
- chore: bump version to 0.3.7 by @chenrui333 in #452
- Some references left to be bumped for new release by @javuto in #453
New Contributors
- @peterbogdan made their first contribution in #450
- @chenrui333 made their first contribution in #452
Full Changelog: v0.3.6...v0.3.7
🔖 Release 0.3.6
What's New
- Fix for potentially unsafe external link by @javuto in #402
- Fix for deb package name in tagged release by @javuto in #403
- Fix for binary output on merged commits by @javuto in #404
- Fix for generate deb packages due to typo by @javuto in #405
- Updates to actions and remove path for upload-artifacts by @javuto in #406
- Typos, more updates to actions and fix for untagged build-deb-action by @javuto in #407
- Difference between tagged and not when creating DEB packages by @javuto in #408
- Copied bin to expected file by Dockerfile by @javuto in #409
- Installing postgres 14 via by @javuto in #410
- Small fixes in osctrl-cli for output messages by @javuto in #411
- Backend can be multiple versions of PostgreSQL by @javuto in #413
- Fix for provision script to support Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian 12 by @javuto in #414
- Removing metrics from the provision script by @javuto in #415
- Bump from 4.17.2 to 4.18.2 in /users by @dependabot in #416
- Sending TLS logs to logstash via tcp, udp or http by @javuto in #420
- Bump the go_modules group across 1 directory with 1 update by @dependabot in #418
- Bump the go_modules group across 6 directories with 1 update by @dependabot in #419
- Bump the go_modules group across 2 directories with 1 update by @dependabot in #423
- Adding constants to prepare for OIDC auth by @javuto in #424
- Removing code scanning alerts by @javuto in #425
- Bump to dependencies and script to update modules by @javuto in #426
- Using 1.23 format for go.mod by @javuto in #427
- Using different cookie name to avoid conflicts by @javuto in #428
- Adding support for osquery 5.11.0 by @javuto in #429
- Change default path for code in provision by @javuto in #430
- Helper function for SAML certificate by @javuto in #431
- Fix for SAML authentication and redirect loops by @javuto in #432
- Preparing release 0.3.6 by @javuto in #433
Full Changelog: v0.3.5...v0.3.6
🔖 Release 0.3.5
What's New
- Fix typo in by @CptOfEvilMinions in #370
- Modules update by @javuto in #374
- Adding db connection retry in osctrl-tls by @javuto in #375
- Adding db connection retry in osctrl-admin by @javuto in #376
- Adding db connection retry in osctrl-api by @javuto in #377
- Retry connection for Redis/cache by @javuto in #379
- Retry connection for Redis/cache by @javuto in #380
- Retry connection for Redis/cache by @javuto in #381
- Bump the go_modules group across 10 directories with 1 update by @dependabot in #382
- Respect values from parameters vs. configuration files for
by @javuto in #383 - Respect values from parameters vs. configuration files in
by @javuto in #384 - Respect values from parameters vs. configuration files in
by @javuto in #385 - Remove deprecated
by @javuto in #386 - Updated modules in all packages by @javuto in #387
- Small changes in by @javuto in #388
- Use token for cookie name by @javuto in #389
- Bumping golang version to 1.21 in modules by @javuto in #390
- Regenerate flags and save them by @javuto in #391
- Admin users can see all environments by @javuto in #392
- Dev env by @CptOfEvilMinions in #341
- Adjustments in the docker-dev configuration and updated README by @javuto in #393
- Changing ioutil.ReadAll to io.ReadAll by @javuto in #394
- Fix for Makefile indentation by @javuto in #395
- Remove slider to select hours for status/results by @javuto in #396
- Severity in status logs can be number or string by @javuto in #397
- Line in status logs can be number or string by @javuto in #398
- Disable accelerated mode handling query reads from osquery by @javuto in #399
- Base for oauth authentication by @javuto in #400
- Prepare for new release v0.3.5 by @javuto in #401
Full Changelog: v0.3.4...v0.3.5