Screen is a website which will help users to discover new movies, keep track of movies they have watched, save movies to a list to wath later and also recommend movies based on the movies they like.
This project uses The Movie Database API to get details about the movies.
The project is deployed using Heroku here. Create a new account or you can use the dummy account to login.
Email: [email protected]
Password: test
Demo: Watch Video
- Home - Users can see recommended movies, thier watchlist, popular and trending movies.
- Discover - Users can search for movies (search as you type) and also discover movies using genre.
- Top Rated - Displays a list of top rated movies of all time.
- Upcoming - Find movies that are going to be released in the future.
- Movies to Watch - List of movies to watch later.
- Movies Watched - List of movies the have already seen.
- Liked Movies - List of movies they have liked.
- Get youtube trailer and IMDb links for that movie.
- Shows various details about the movie like runtime, release year, genre, cast, director and language.
- Displays a list of movies similar to the current movie.
- Ability to like/unlike and add/remove the movie to watchlist or seenlist.
- Run
pip install requirements.txt
to install necessary packages. - Open your terminal in the project's main directory (where the file is located)
- Run
python makemigrations
to make migrations for the screen app. - Run
python migrate
to apply migrations to your database. - Run
python runserver
to start the server and use the website.