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APPSR: automated preprocessing pipeline for meta-analysis of small RNA sequencing data.


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APPSR /æp es aːr/

APPSR: automated preprocessing pipeline for meta-analysis of small RNA sequencing data.

(version: 1.0)


APPSR is a suite of tools for preprocessing small RNA sequencing libraries. This package enables users to implement an automated preprocessing pipeline with only a few commands (see Examples).

APPSR is composed of the following six programs:

  • adapt-pred predicts 3′ adapter sequences in an input FASTQ
  • adapt-clip clips 5′ or/and 3′ adapter sequences from input reads
  • adapt-qc search 3′ adapter sequences exhaustively and does quality control
  • qual-offset estimates ASCII-encoded quality score offsets
  • qual-trim trims low quality bases in input reads
  • read-collapse merges identical reads while retaining the counts


APPSR requires Python >=2.5 under a Linux/Unix environment.


To see the usage for each program, type:

$ <program-name> -h


$ <program-name> --help

If the FASTQ files are compressed, decompress the files and pass those to the program using a pipe. For example:

$ zcat <FASTQ.gz> | <program-name> -

adapt-pred: 3′ adapter prediction

adapt-pred predicts 3′ adapter sequences from input FASTQ.


$ adapt-pred [options] <fastq>


-k BP

K-mer length to use to compute k-mer frequency in the input FASTQ. The default value is 9 nucleotides (nt).


Cutoff ratio for filtering less frequent k-mers. For each k-mer, a ratio of the frequency of the most abundant k-mer to the frequency of a target k-mer will be computed. If a ratio is lower than the cutoff specified with -r, the k-mer with the ratio will be discarded.


This option shows other predicted 3′adapter candidates (if any).

adapt-clip: adapter clipping

adapt-clip clips either or both 5′ and 3′adapter sequences from input reads, and extract small RNA inserts.


$ adapt-clip [options] <fastq>


-3 SEQ

3′adapter sequence. An input adapter sequence should be equal or longer than the adapter match length specified with --seed-3p. When the -s option is used, the input adapter sequence should be at least one base longer than the adapter match length.

-5 SEQ

5′adapter sequence. An input adapter sequence should be equal or longer than the adapter match length specified with --seed-5p. When the -s option is used, the input adapter sequence should be at least one base longer than the adapter match length.

--cut-3p BP

Cut specified number of bases from 3′ ends. This option can be combined with the adapter clipping process to trim down specific number of bases additionally.

--cut-5p BP

Cut specified number of bases from 5′ ends. This option can be combined with the adapter clipping process to trim down specific number of bases additionally.

--seed-3p BP

3′ adapter match length in bp. The default is 7nt.

--seed-5p BP

5′ adapter match length in bp. The default is 7nt.

-m BP

Minimum read length in bp. Extracted small RNA reads will be discarded if the lengths are shorter than the specificed length with -m. The default is 16nt.

-x BP

Maximum read length in bp. Extracted small RNA reads will be discarded if the lengths are longer than the specificed length with -x. The default is 36nt.


Sensitive adapter search with 1 mismatch. When this option is used, the length of input adapter(s) should be at least one base longer than the adapter match length specified with --seed-3p or --seed-5p.


Only print the reads with both 5′ and 3′ adapter matches.


Print all reads with and without adapter matches if the reads are in the range specified with -m and -x.

adapt-qc: exhaustive 3′ adapter search and quality control

adapt-qc searches 3′ adapter sequences exhaustively and conducts quality control for an input FASTQ. If a 3′adapter sequence is specified with -3, the program only executes quality control using a given genome mapping command.


$ adapt-qc [options] <mapping_cmd> <fastq>

<mapping_cmd> is the genome mapping command to be tested. For this argument, any read mapping software package can be used. The requirements for this argument are:

  • Specify FASTA as the input read format
  • Specify the input read filename as @in
  • Specify SAM as the output format for the mapping results
  • Specify the output SAM filename as @out
  • Pass <mapping_cmd> as a string in the command for adapt-qc

For example, when you want to use Bowtie as a mapping engine, the entire command line for adapt-qc will be:

$ adapt-qc "/path_to/bowtie /path_to/genome_index -p8 -v0 -k1 -S -f @in > @out" <fastq>

Bowtie options used:

  • -p <int>: Number of <int> CPUs
  • -v <int>: Number of <int> mismatches
  • -k <int>: report up to <int> valid alignments
  • -S: SAM output
  • -f: FASTA input


General Options
-l BP

3′ adapter match length in bp (equivalent to --seed-3p in adapt-clip). The default is 7nt. adapt-qc only considers perfect adapter matches. In other words, adapt-qc does not use the -s option in adapt-clip.

-m BP

Minimum read length in bp. The default is 16nt. For more detail, see the -m option in adapt-clip.

-x BP

Maximum read length in bp. The default is 36nt. For more detail, see the -x option in adapt-clip.

Option for Evaluation
-3 SEQ1,SEQ2,...

Comma-separated list of 3′ adapter(s) for quality control. When the option is specified, adapt-qc maps the processed reads after clipping each 3′ adapter in every run and checks the genome mapping rate.

Option for Exhaustive Search

Subsampling fraction of reads in an input FASTQ. In the default, adapt-qc uses all reads, i.e., -p 1.0. Small read sets can make adapt-qc faster.


k-mers to predict a 3′ adapter in the input FASTQ. BEG is the smallest k-mer to start, END is the largest k-mer to end, and INT is an interval of the k-mers. The default is 9:11:2, i.e., from 9mer to 11mer in a 2nt interval (k = 9, 11).


Cutoff ratios for filtering less abundant k-mers. As in option -k, BEG is the smallest ratio to start, END is the largest ratio to end, and INT is an interval of the ratios. The default is 1.2:1.4:0.1, i.e., from 1.2 to 1.4 in a 0.1 interval (r = 1.2, 1.3, 1.4).

--temp PATH

Path for the temporary directory. adapt-qc creates a temporary directory during a computation. In the default setting, the program makes the directory in the current directory.

qual-offset: quality offset estimation

qual-offset estimates ASCII-encoded quality score offsets.


$ qual-offset <fastq>

qual-trim: quality trimming

qual-trim trims low quality bases in input reads with the same quality trimming algorith as the one used by BWA. Since small RNA libraries are typically single-ended, only single-ended reads are assumed.


$ qual-trim [options] <fastq>

ASCII-encoded quality score offset, e.g. 33 or 64. The default is 33 (Phred+33).


Error probability cutoff. The default is 0.1.


Quality score cutoff. By default, the cutoff is automatically calculated using the quality score equation for the inferred platform. These equations use the error probability cutoff specified using -p, i.e., error_probability=0.1 is equivalent to quality_score=10 in Phred score.

-l BP

Minimum read length in bp for output trimmed reads. The default is 16nt.


In ASCII-encoded quality scores generated by Illumina 1.5+, there are sometimes B letters in a quality score line in a FASTQ file. Those B letters indicate the portion of a read that should not be used in further analysis due to the low quality erroneous base callings. This option converts all B letters to the lowest ASCII-encoded quality scores for filtering. It can be skipped to use this option when the quality cutoff -p and -q are equal or larger than 0.1 and 10.


Input FASTQ is in Solexa encoding.

read-collapse: read collapsing

read-collapse merges identical reads while retaining the counts. The only allowed input is the output from adapt-clip. During computation, the program keeps extracted sequences in memory. For example, memory usage and runtime of 100 million small RNA reads will be around ~2GB and ~5 mins, respectively.

To restrict memory usage, you can try:

$ cut -f1 ${FILE} | sort | uniq -c | awk '{print ">"$2"_"$1"\n"$2}'

This would takes ~15 mins with ~10MB memory to process 100 million reads.


$ read-collapse [options] <adapt-clip-output>

Output in FASTA format. This is the default format for the output. It will be composed of 2 lines for a record:

> [extracted_read] _ [read_count]

Output in TAB format. It will be composed of 1 line for a record:

[extracted_insert] /tab/ [read_count]

Output in FASTQ format. It will be composed of 4 lines for a record:

@ [extracted_read] _ [read_count] length=[read_length]
+ [extracted_read] _ [read_count] length=[read_length]
  '~' * [read_length]

Note that ~ is in the ASCII 126, which is the highest printable character in the ASCII code.


Here is a shell script with APPSR implemented as an automated small RNA pipeline.

# !/bin/sh

# If you don't know the quality offset
QBASE=`qual-offset ${FASTQ} | cut -f2 -d'='`

# If you don't know the 3′ adapter sequence
ADAPT=`adapt-pred ${FASTQ} | cut -f2 -d'='`

qual-trim -b ${QBASE} ${FASTQ} | adapt-clip -3 ${ADAPT} - | \
read-collapse - > clean_reads.fa


  • ${FASTQ} is an input FASTQ file
  • ${QBASE} is an estimated quality offset
  • ${ADAPT} is a predicted 3′ adapter sequence

If you want to do exhaustive adapter search and quality control, try:

# !/bin/sh

# If you don't know the quality offset
QBASE=`qual-offset ${FASTQ} | cut -f2 -d'='`

# Bowtie command as a mapping engine
MAPCMD="/path_to/bowtie /path_to/genome_index -p${CPU} -v0 -k1 -S -f @in > @out"

# Subsample 1 million reads from an input FASTQ
TOTAL_READS=`wc -l ${FASTQ} | awk '{print $1/4}'`
if [ ${TOTAL_READS} -gt ${SUBSAMPLE_READS} ]; then
    SUBSAMPLE_RATE=`echo "${SUBSAMPLE} ${TOTAL_READS}" | awk '{print $1/$2}'`

# Here is the exhaustive adapter prediction part
ADAPT=`adapt-qc -p "${SUBSAMPLE_RATE}" "${MAPCMD}" ${FASTQ} | head -n 1 | cut -f2 -d'='`

if [ "${ADAPT}" != "NULL" -a "${ADAPT}" != "RAW_INPUT" ]; then
    qual-trim -b ${QBASE} ${FASTQ} | adapt-clip -3 ${ADAPT} - | \
    read-collapse - > clean_reads.fa


  • The shell script subsamples reads up to 100k reads. Delete the part if you want to use all reads.
  • ${MAPCMD} is a genome mapping command. Although the above example uses Bowtie to map reads, you can try any command lines and read mapping software packages.


APPSR: automated preprocessing pipeline for meta-analysis of small RNA sequencing data.







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