##Tomato Interns Bioinformatics Week
Scripts, outline, and course material for teaching tomato interns.
Week of July 29, 2013
- Monday 2:00 - 5:00 LS3002
- Tuesday 2:00 - 5:00 LS3002
- Wednesday 2:00 - 5:00 LS2002
- Thursday 1:00 - 4:00 LS2002
- Friday 2:00 - 5:00 LS2002
- what is atmosphere?
- starting an instance
- connecting to your instance
- vnc
- ssh
- idrop
- move fastq files and other files to play with
- Terminal
- commands at the terminal
- idea is to define some useful commands and then give them some tasks
- be sure to introduce the commands that they will use in examining fastq files...
- ls
- cd
- pwd
- cp
- mv
- mv -i
- mkdir
- rm
- rmdir
- cat
- head, tail
- less
- pico or equivalent
- grep
- possibly with some regex (simple!)
- pipes
- man
- commands at the terminal
- Looking at fastq files (applying was learned)
- use head, tail, etc to examine fastq files
- examine fastq file: have students describe how they appear to be organized
- exercises with grep and wc, e.g. number of reads
- grep -c
- use head, tail, etc to examine fastq files
- Questions/ starting problem set:
- create a new directory in /mydata
- navigate to directory in iRods with sequence files
- how many files are in the directory?
- download your desiganated file to the new directory in /mydata
- What is the machine name that the sequences come from?
- How many lines are in the file?
- How many sequence records are in the file?
- create a new file that contains 1,000,000 records from the file you downloaded
- What files do we actually get back from the sequencing facility
- QualityCheck
- go through FastQC, what the differenet measures mean, etc
- Phred scores
- BarcodeSplit
- new QC
- Trimming / filtering
- new QC
- Mapping to reference
- BWA to ITAGs
- tophat to genome
- Stats for mapping:
- how many ready mapped?
- can you find genes that appear up-regulated?
- think about normalization
- places where the data doesn't seem to match the annotation
- can you find genes that appear up-regulated?
- Sam2Counts.R (JNM)
- Histograms of read counts (R) (JNM)
- normalization
- what does differential expression mean?
- the idea of a linear model
- 1 way comparison
- 2 way comparisons
- 2 way comparisons (with interactions!)
- What do you do with these results?
- GO category enrichment
- plotting particular genes of interest
- what would the follow up experiments be?