It seems something everyone's doing: keep everything (dot / config files) together in one single directory and then symlink wherever appropriate. Feel free to use these files at your own peril.
Everything below assumes this repo is cloned in ~/.dotfiles.
- zsh
- nerd-fonts-complete
- zsh-theme-powerlevel9k
- compton-conf (optional)
- compton-git (optional)
- mpris (playerctl integration -
pip3 install --user dbus-python pygobject
)- install
- in mpsyt:
set player mpv
- profits
- install
- networkmanager-dmenu (no need for nm-applet)
- notifications...
- libnotify
- dunst
- rofi-dmenu (optional, makes rofi take over role of dmenu)
- xsel (needed by vim copy-to-clipboard plugin)
Below are the symbolic links needed to hook up .dotfiles to the default locations (Arch Linux) of the dotfiles.
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/i3 ~/.config/i3
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/polybar ~/.config/polybar
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/qutebrowser ~/.config/qutebrowser
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/ ~/.config/
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/rofi ~/.config/rofi
The i3 setup uses ~/.fehbg to set its background. Plan accordingly.
git subtree add --prefix polybar/polybar-scripts master --squash
Also, using one of the scripts there, so have to add execute privilege:
chmod u+x
Create a ~/.terminfo/
entry so we can use the new TERM info.
tic xterm-256color-italic.terminfo
- yay ranger
yay rxvt-unicode-pixbuf
to enable picture previews
vim style browsing
look this up, should be really useful
Together with xrandr, this allows you to automatically set up multi-monitor setups and detect changes in the environment.
Image viewer with lots of features.
Record a terminal session and replay it in a video-like fashion: