World Data League 2022 team YODAS - Python package
This Python package includes a module for wildlife dark corridors optimization, one of the outputs of the YODAS team in 2022 edition of WDL.
YodasLib is used in the custom application developed by YODAS for the WDL 2022 finals. This application allows the user to customize and visualize in real time the optimization of wildlife dark corridors and is flexibility to any animal and city.
The package was only tested for Python 3, so there is no guarantee that it works with Python 2.
[OPTIONAL] Create a virtual environment before the installation
1 - Go to the project folder and open a Command Prompt
2 - Run the following command to create the virtual environment
virtualenv <name of the virtual environment>
3 - Activate the virtual environment with the following command (always in the creation folder)
<name of virtual environment>\Scripts\activate.bat
1 - Enter as root with the following command
sudo -i
2 - Go to the project folder and run the following command to create the virtual environment
python3 -m venv <name of virtual environment>
3 - Activate the virtual environment with the following command (always in the creation folder)
source <name of virtual environment>/bin/activate
pip install git+
# Necessary data:
# - City grid with the following columns: zone, geometry, animal_score, human_score, contains_cluster, nearest_cluster, cluster_score
# - GeoJSON with city map
# - CSV with city's street lights
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from YODAS.DarkCorridors import LightManager
optimization_df = pd.read_csv('grid.csv')
#optimization_df.rename(columns = {'Unnamed: 0': 'zone'}, inplace = True)
optimization_df.geometry = gpd.GeoSeries.from_wkt(optimization_df.geometry)
optimization_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(optimization_df, geometry='geometry')
city_map = ''
street_lights = 'streetlights.csv'
manager = LightManager(optimization_df, city_map, street_lights)
paths = manager.find_cluster_paths()
corridors = manager.create_dark_corridors()
new_lights = manager.update_lighting()