C/Gtk/glade system monitor inspired by deepin system mon, task man & gnome system monitor (parts of the codes such as, but not limited to images are pulled from the web).
Just learned Gtk/glade/c in one week so please bear with the funny codes (it might still be funny for some time)
At present, it relies on kernel /proc as these is the rawest we can get to the kernel.
The application was compiled and developed for a 32 core CentOS 7 machine (I choose this because this is the most stable Linux I have used so far, and I prefer it to be stable in the next 5 years).
gcc -o gladewin main.c -Wall `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-3.0` -lcairo -export-dynamic -lm -O2 -lcairo-script-interpreter
Since my machine is 32 core, I dont know yet if it could work in other core machine.
These are the following things that are needed to be implemented. Well, usually need help here so that it can become a full pledge system monitor and that we might have an alternative to gnome system monitor.
High priority
- Making the three buttons in headerbar move in the center like in Gnome System Monitor.
- GtkStack
- GtkStackSwitcher for switching window content
- Process list like in Gnome System Monitor
- Implement sorting process by name
- Implement sorting process by mem usage
- Implement sorting process by cpu usage
- Implement end task
- Dynamic cpu core
Low priority
- Create CentOS 7 package & submit to epel
- Fix file system
- Speed up Cairo rendering
- Implement switch to total cpu & show cpu core graph
- Implement GtkStack for Ram, Disk & Network