Automate VPN Connect to 2 networks with otp tokens.
Solution is temporary.
I used for decoding of my QR code (nice works with photo of QR code).
You should add name_of_file.txt
to option auth-user-pass
of your .ovpn config for connection.
username - username of vpn client
password - password for vpn client
str_qr_code - string from QR_CODE photo
auth_file - file with username and full password (static part + otp)
ovpn_file - client's openvpn config
utun - name of expected vpn-interface format
class Config:
class ExternalConnection:
USERNAME = "your_username"
PASSWORD = "first_part_of_password"
STR_QR_CODE = "str_qr_code"
AUTH_FILE = 'your_auth_file.txt'
OVPN_FILE = 'your_ovpn_file.ovpn'
UTUN = 'utunX'
class InternalConnection:
USERNAME = "your_username"
PASSWORD = "first_part_of_password"
STR_QR_CODE = "str_qr_code"
AUTH_FILE = 'your_auth_file.txt'
OVPN_FILE = 'your_ovpn_file.ovpn'
UTUN = 'utunY'