A lightweight extension for pytorch.nn
that adds layers and activations,
which respect algebraic operations over the field of complex numbers.
The implementation is based on the ICLR 2018 parer on Deep Complex Networks [1]_ and borrows ideas from their implementation.
Just run to install with pip
from git
pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/ivannz/cplxmodule.git
or a developer install (editable) from the root of the local repo
pip install -e .
Basically the module is designed in such a way as to be ready for plugging
into the existing torch.nn
sequential models.
Importing the building blocks.
import torch
import torch.nn
# complex valeud tensor class
from cplxmodule import cplx
# converters
from cplxmodule.nn import RealToCplx, CplxToReal
# layers of encapsulating other complex valued layers
from cplxmodule.nn.sequential import CplxSequential
# common layers
from cplxmodule.nn.layers import CplxConv1d, CplxLinear
# activation layers
from cplxmodule.nn.activation import CplxModReLU, CplxActivation
After RealToCplx
layer the intermediate inputs are Cplx objects, which are abstractions
for complex valued tensors, represented by real and imaginary parts, and which obey complex
arithmetic (currently no support for mixed-type arithmetic like torch.Tensor +/-* Cplx
n_features, n_channels = 16, 4
z = torch.randn(3, n_features*2)
cplx = RealToCplx()(z)
Stacking and constructing linear pipelines:
n_features, n_channels = 16, 4
z = torch.randn(256, n_features*2)
# gain network works on the modulus of the complex input
modulus_gain = torch.nn.Sequential(
torch.nn.Linear(n_features, n_channels * n_features),
# purely complex-to-complex sequential container
complex_model = CplxSequential(
CplxLinear(n_features, n_features, bias=True),
# complex: batch x n_channels x n_features
CplxConv1d(n_channels, 3 * n_channels, kernel_size=4, stride=1, bias=False),
# complex: batch x (3 * n_channels) x (n_features - (4-1))
# complex: batch x (3 * n_channels) x (n_features - (4-1))
CplxActivation(torch.flatten, start_dim=-2),
# branching into complex within a real-to-real model
real_input_model = torch.nn.Sequential(
# real: batch x (n_features * 2)
torch.nn.Linear(n_features * 2, n_features * 2),
# real: batch x (n_features * 2)
# complex: batch x n_features
# complex: batch x (3 * n_channels * (n_features - (4-1)))
# real: batch x ((3 * n_channels * (n_features - (4-1))) * 2)
# >>> torch.Size([256, 312])
.. [1] Trabelsi, C., Bilaniuk, O., Zhang, Y., Serdyuk, D., Subramanian, S., Santos, J. F., ... & Pal, C. J. (2017). Deep complex networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.09792