Parse PDF and group elements based on enclosing lines. A node.js module that promisifies the pdf2json parser and structures the data in a way that is suitable for tables with merged cells.
After installing node.js you can use npm to add pdf2tree in your project folder.
npm install pdf2tree
When you create a new parser object as shown below, parameters are passed to the pdf2json parser.
import PDF2Tree from 'pdf2tree'
let pdf2tree = new PDF2Tree()
Then you can set the following pdf2tree specific parameters.
pdf2tree.maxStrokeWidth = 1
pdf2tree.maxGapWidth = 0.1
Finally, parsing can start either with a filepath or a buffer.
The promise returns a JSON object as documented in pdf2json, but adds an additional Tree
property. To simplify readability <str>
represents an object like the ones pdf2json provides for every Page but each object only contains all elements within the lines, i.e. { ..., Texts: [ { x, y, ..., R: [ { T: 'str', ... } ] } ], ... }
Tree: [
<Page 1>,
[ <A>, <B>, <C>, <D> ],
[ <X>, <1>, <2>, <3> ],
[ <5>, <6>, <7> ],
[ <8>, <9> ]
<Page 2>,
[ <TITLE> ],
[ <H> ],
[ <I> ]
[ <J>, <?> ],
[ <K>, <?> ]
For content structured like this:
Page 1
| A | B | C | D |
| X | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| | 5 | 6 | 7 |
| Y +---+---+---+
| | 8 | 9 |
Page 2
| | | | H |
| | F | G +---+
| | | | I |
| Z +---+---+---+
| | J | |
| +---+ ? |
| | K | |
If a cell is not rectangular or merges rows that the cell to the left did not also merge then the resulting tree might contain errors. This would require a data structure that allows traversing the neighborhood with .right
or .below
and can include loops for non-rectangular areas. It should be easier to fix those special cases after the parsing.